"Stay Close to F.E.A.R. Only We Can Protect"

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I feel his hand squeeze my hip as his other one keeps himself propped up. My hand around his shoulder, the other one on his cheek as I kiss his lips.

I feel his thumb trace around my tummy, I moan in the kiss, I break the kiss, breathing heavily.

"Great way to wake up huh?" Andy huskily speaks.

"Y-Yeah," I whisper, leaning up to kiss his lips again.

"Racheal, TJ's here looking for you!" We hear Jake shout just before my lips touch his.

"Okay!" I shout back.

"What does he want you for?" Andy groans as he rolls off me.

"Him and I are hanging out today, do you have a problem with that?" I look at him as I jump down from the bunk.

"No, have fun," He leans out of the bunk and kisses my forehead.


I grab my skinny jeans and a cropped shirt, I grab my makeup and go to the bathroom.

I get changed and look in the bathroom mirror. I feel the mark on my neck, I sigh and cover the hickey with make up. I brush my teeth and hair, putting it in a ponytail.

I stare at myself in the mirror and can't help but smile. Honestly I don't know what's going on with Andy and I.

We kiss, cuddle, we hold hands and act as if we're together but neither of us have told each other how we feel. Maybe Andy is just doing this because I'm the only girl on tour with them other than Mandy, but Mandy is in her thirties.

I don't know, but I love him, and kissing, cuddling, it's only making my feelings stronger.

But I also don't know what's going on with TJ and I. He's super sweet and I kind of have feelings for him, but nothing compared to my feelings for Andy.

I exit the bathroom and begin to walk out to the main area when I hear Andy say my mine. I stop and look at him, he brings his lips to mine and kisses me. I smile in the kiss, he breaks the kiss and winks at me.

I grin and walk out of the bunk area.

"Hey Racheal," TJ comes up and hugs me.

"Hey," I hug him back.

"So do you want to go for lunch? There's a McDonald's across the street from here,"

"Oh how romantic," I grin.

"Oh if you want romantic there's a Dairy Queen down the street from the McDonald's," He winks goofily at me.

"Wow, I might just take you up on the offer of McDonald's, Dairy Queen is too classy for us," I sarcastically say, giggling.

"McDonald's it is," He laughs and wraps his arm around me.

"Bye Jake," I say as TJ and I walk off the bus.

"See ya," He says.

TJ and I walk across the road to McDonald's, we order our food and sit down.

"So how's your day off going?" TJ asks me.

"Uh," I feel my face go hot as I think about what Andy and I were up to, "it's going good, how is yours going?"

"Mines going good now that we're hanging out," He grins at me.

I giggle, smiling at him.

"So what do you do?" He asks me, taking a bite of his burger.

"What?" I furrow my brows, eating some fries.

"Like a job, what do you do?" He asks me, taking some of my fries.

"I believe you have your own fries," I tell him.

"Yeah but yours look better," He takes more fries.

I just roll my eyes jokingly, grinning.

"So job, what do you do?"

"I um, I'm a stripper," I drink from my pop.

"Oh wow, really?" TJ looks surprised.


"Do you like it?"

"I love it, it's a lot of fun and good money," I tell him.

"That's good, you must show me what you got someday," He chuckles, finishing his burger.

"Maybe," I laugh at him.

TJ and I spend the rest of the day hanging out together, we went to the park and he pushed me on a swing, then we sat by the pond and got to know each other more.

Now I'm just getting ready for bed, I'm in my shorts and sports bra in the bathroom when the door opens, I look to see Andy.

"How was your day?" He asks and starts to brush his teeth.

I sit on the sink counter and face him.

"It was good, how was yours?" I say as I try not to spit any of the toothpaste out.

"My day was good,"

I nod my head and flip my hair out of my face, only to have it fall back in my face, he chuckles and spits in the sink.

I lean over and spit as well, I rinse my mouth and put my toothbrush in my baggy, he does the same.

"Piggy back," I say in a baby voice, holding my arms out like a kid.

"Oh alright," He chuckles and turns around so I can get on his back.

"You're too tall," I say.

He bends down a bit so I can get on. He walks us out of the bathroom and stops at the bunk, I climb off of his back and into the bunk.

He climbs in and props himself on top of me, bringing his face closer to me.

"Now where were we?" He looks me in the eyes, lust filled his eyes.

"I'm tired," I whine as he begins kissing my neck.

"Hmmm I like this mark on your neck, let me make a new one for you," He begins sucking on my sensitive skin.

"Fuck Andy," I moan.

Gosh, if he can get me a moaning mess by just giving me a hickey, imagine what he can do on other parts of my body.

"Hmm," He moans as I begin trailing my hand around to his waist.

He moves his hands down, stopping his hands at my hips, he stops sucking on my neck and looks at me.

"W-why'd you stop?" I ask, hot and bothered.

"You said you were tired," He shrugs and lays beside me.

"Oh," I groan, I don't want to beg for him to continue, I don't want to come off as desperate.

I just try to catch my breath, he wraps his arm around me as him and I fall asleep together.

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