"Sit Down With Thoughts Alone Now"

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I wake up to the smell of coffee, I roll over.

"Ouch fuck," I mumble as I land on the floor.

"Be careful, there's a floor there," I hear Andy's voice enter the room.

I reach for my phone on the coffee table, reading the time, 1:38pm.

"Jeez why did you let me sleep for so long?" I sit up, stretching.

"You looked tired last night, thought you could use the sleep," Andy comes and sits down on the couch, handing me a mug.

"Thanks," I take a sip. "So how long have you been up?"

"Oh I just woke up like an hour ago,"

I sit on the floor as Andy and I just go through our phones in comfortable silence.

"Well, what do you want to do today?" I ask him, putting my phone down.

"How about we start with getting you up off the floor," Andy stands up, holding his hands out.

"I can manage on my own," I laugh at him.

"Just take my hands," He chuckles.

I take his hands as he boosts me off the ground and into his arms, our faces close to each others.

"T-thank you," I stare into his eyes.

"Of course," He grins.

I step away from him. That always happens, him and I always get close but nothing ever happens.

"How about we go mini golfing?" I suggest, taking our mugs to the kitchen.

"Yeah that'd be fun," Andy takes the mugs from me and puts them in the dish washer.

"I don't always need your assistance," I say, smiling as he looks at me innocently.

"I just like to help my best friend,"

I just playfully roll my eyes, walking to the living room to clean up.

"Okay well I'm gonna get cleaned up and shower, we can meet back up whenever you're ready," I tell Andy.

"Alright," He says as he packs the cats food and water dish.

Andy leaves and I finish cleaning up. I head up to the bathroom and strip from my clothes, hopping in the shower.

I wash my hair and body, just feeling the hot water.

I get out and braid my hair, then getting dressed. I do my make up and get my shoes on.

I leave my house and head over to Andy's.

I open the door and pick up his cat, cuddling him as I walk around his house looking for Andy.

"Oh jeez Racheal you scared the shit out of me," Andy walks out of the bathroom, only a towel low around his waist, showing his v line.

"Oh um sorry,"

I notice Andy adjust his towel, almost moving it a bit lower.

I feel myself blush, I knew he saw me blush because he gave me a small smirk.

I blush even harder, he raises a brow at me and chuckles.

"Well I'm going to get dressed and I'll be ready," Andy walks away.

I walk into his living room and sit down, going on my phone while waiting.

Andy walks into the room and looks at me.

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