Chapter Six || Express

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There are moments when life quickens its pace.

My train was twenty minutes late. I had begun to bite my hands as I looked at my watch. What if I wasn't going to make it?

And now I was running through King's Cross, hitting random people with my bag slung across my shoulder and getting shouted at.

- Excuse me! Excuse me, where is the platform 9 and 3/4? - I cried to someone who looked a bit more unusual than the rest, someone, who could maybe be a wizard in disguise.

- 9 and what?

Wrong call. I dived into the crowd, anxious to find the wall before it was too late. Somehow I couldn't remember where I had to go. Only after running to and fro I realised I wasn't going the right way and headed back, astounded at my own stupidity and almost crying from the strain. My luggage was too heavy.

10:55. I was going to be late.

As the realisation that I might not get to school at all thumped through my head, I finally reached the wall between the platforms 9 and 10. I was just about to run at it with my luggage when a voice called out to me.

- Lennie!

I turned around and, before I could realise who it was, someone was pushing me through the wall, a hand gripping my bag - one moment and I was already on the other side, running as Ruby pulled me after him, dragging me on to the train just as a whistle blew.

- Ruby! - I said breathlessly as he helped me put my luggage underneath my seat in the compartment.

- You were nowhere to be seen, so I figured I'd run back out and see where you where. - Ruby explained. - Besides, the train wouldn't leave without you - I told the driver we were waiting for you and that your other train might be late.

- But the Express doesn't-

- You're the only transfer student who uses this train. Do you really think they wouldn't make an exception for you?

I looked up at him, his red sweater echoing his fiery hair - and smiled.

Ruby smiled back and sat down opposite me just as the train began to move.

- So. - he sighed. - How are you?

He said it with concern and sympathy, but I didn't really know what to reply, so I shook my head and looked at him again. He leaned a bit forward and got something out of his pocket, smiling nervously as he did so.

- I know it's way after Christmas but... I figured you'd like to have this.

I took the small parcel out of his hand and unwrapped it. Inside, there was a small necklace with a white round shape at the end.

- Ruby, this.. you shouldn't...

- It's not what you think, - said Ruby, reaching out for the necklace and pulling it out of the wrapper. - See this little white thing?

- Yes.

- That's the so-called Alloquator Root, - Ruby explained hurriedly, pointing at the stone. - It's known for many qualities, but above all, it soothes and calms down. When you feel overwhelmed or something, or you remember something painful, you can just rub your fingers against it and it works. Instantly. Checked it myself. Works like a ch- I mean, it is a ch-

I took the necklace from him and hung it around my neck, fingering the white round shape.

- Thank you, Ruby.

- Don't mention it. It's nothing really. I wish I could have-

- Ruby, you picked the exact thing I needed.

- Still, I could have bought you an enchanted storybook or something, which would send you off to sleep with its stories, but they didn't have those at Diagon Alley, so I-

I rose and sat down next to him.

- Thank you.

He broke off. Then he said, quietly:

- You're welcome.

I paused, wondering if I should ask.

- Are you all right with me hugging you or should I not do that? Am I coming off as a-

- You're not coming off as anything. I just don't know how to react. I'm awkward. But you- you hug away, it's not like I...

I had put my hand around him and pressed my face against his shoulder.

- ...mind, - he faltered.

- Thank you, Ruby, - I said quietly, as I felt the pain coming back to me again, but I reached for the small white thing around my neck and rubbed it carefully - and I don't know if it worked instantly, like Ruby'd said it had, but I felt slightly safer when I'd let it go.

- Can.. can I...

I looked up at him, and saw his eyes were hurriedly darting to and fro.

- What?

- Nothing. I've missed you.

I lifted my head and sat up straight, releasing his shoulders as he seemed to be able to breathe normally once again.

I thought if I had the same effect on him as Lupin did. I looked at Ruby again and said:

- You know... sometimes people say that for someone to get over them, you have to let that person go.

- What do you mean?

- I mean, Ruby, maybe you shouldn't spend so much time with me... It's not like I don't want you to, on the contrary, you're the best friend I've ever had, but... I can't go on hurting you. Maybe I'm doing the same thing to you that Lupin did to me and I... I don't want to hurt you.

Ruby looked at me for a long, long while.

- Are you saying that because I'm bad at showing emotions?

- What? No, Ruby, no...

- Because if that's the problem, I can work on that. I can't not see you, Lennie. I can't not know you're all right. Especially when you're hurting like this, I... don't think about me, all right. Just don't. I'm fine. Look at me, I'm absolutely fine. I won't pretend I don't have feelings for you but it's nothing I can't-

- Ruby, you're taking too much upon yourself.

- No, Lennie, you're taking too much upon yourself. I'm not leaving you. Never-ever-ever-ever...

He sang it, touching my nose lightly with his finger. I smiled at him and called him a baby.

I had learned not to trust anyone, not even the kindest people.

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