Chapter Five || Top-Notch

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Friday came. The day was rainy at first, but soon the sun came out of the clouds again and my spirits rose, blinking in the sunlight as I went down the corridor and walked into Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Most of the class was already there, and even though I didn't want to be late for Lupin's lesson, something in me felt ... not reluctant, but afraid to enter. Was it a remembrance of something similar and painful that was holding me back, or was it something else? Did I fear he would call me out on the lie I'd told him in the train? I didn't know. And yet I overcame myself and entered the room.

I sat down next to the red-haired girl I'd recognised from the first evening in the Great Hall.

- Tamara, right? - I smiled at her, shaking her hand.

- It is Tamara! How lovely of you to remember - she returned the handshake and looked at me with new-found interest. - And you are....

- Lennie Limber.

- I certainly shan't forget that a second time, - she laughed.

I had just sat down and re-arranged my books on the table when the soft familiar voice echoed through the room.

- Welcome to your first lesson of Defence Against The Dark Arts in this semester, - Lupin came into view, his face happy and his eyes searching every student. Our eyes, however, did not meet.

- Most of you have probably already heard how important this class is going to be to your overall grade, so I shan't go into details. I would, however, like to stress how important it is that each and every one of you attend. I am normally quite open to people not attending, as long as I know they're doing their homework and handing in their papers on time - but such is not the case.

A couple of people sighed. Lupin noticed that and laughed.

- Oh, don't worry. Attending my lessons won't be the hardest thing you'll have to do this year. You've got things that are so much worse.

The class roared with laughter and I smiled.

- Now,  - he raised a hand and everyone calmed down - I wanted to present to you a new student that we have this year.

I fidgeted. I didn't know he would do this.

- Her name is Lennie Limber, and she has been selected as an exchange student for Hogwarts because of her outstanding grades and dedication. She is, what you might call, Top-Notch. - He smiled and turned to me.-  I just hope we may live up to your standards, Miss Limber and, from the bottom of my heart, and I'm sure everyone will be with me in this - we are very, very happy to have you here.

The room clapped and cheered as I realised I had to stand up. I smiled, feeling my cheeks redden, but Lupin silenced everyone after a few seconds and I sat back down. Thank God for that.

- Now. Is anyone burning with a fierce desire to tell me and the class of a thesis on whatever they wrote during the holidays or may I begin the unbearably boring lecture I've got to give you today?..

The time spent in Lupin's class was like heaven to me. Compared to how lessons usually went in my school, I knew this was the real thing. He listened to each and every one. He did not have any favourites and he never made fun of anyone. The boring lecture part was soon over, and he was taking questions - and the questions were numerous, people actually wanted to learn something. The exercises he gave were quite difficult, but nothing I couldn't handle. For the first time in my life I wasn't bored in class.

After the lesson, Lupin requested I'd stay. I walked up to him with my books in my hands, eyeing the way he swiped the board clean with his wand.

- My apologies once more, Miss Limber  for not starting on my duties right away, - he smiled, apologetically.

- Don't be, sir, it's perfectly all right.

- No, it isn't. I left you all alone in a strange place. My only explanation and excuse - if there can be one, that is - is the fact that I have not been too well.

Something pained me when he said that.  I was worried.

- It isn't anything serious?

- No, no, my dear, it's nothing serious, - he smiled, packing the book he used away into a drawer and gesturing towards the door. - Shall we walk into the school gardens? I might have to enlighten you a bit on the marking system here at Hogwarts. It's nothing like the other schools.

We walked out of the room, his robe trailing after him like a ghost.

- Professor...

- Yes, miss Limber?

- I... I wanted to apologise about that day on the train.

He shook his head and opened his mouth to contradict me, but -

- It wasn't fair of me to lie to you, I just... I was so confused I guess I didn't think straight.

- I suppose you thought I wouldn't be interested in talking to you if I found out you were a student.

- I know how silly it seems now, but...

- It's all right. We were strangers on a train. Isn't that the title of some old film they made back in the forties? - he laughed, and I smiled at him, even though I was still worried he would never trust me again. - You wanted to make up a different identity for yourself. I didn't tell you I taught here either. Maybe because it's my first job here. Who cares? We know each other now and we'll most probably see  a good deal of each other. That is, if you don't get bored of my antics and demand you be transferred to another tutor.

- Oh, that's never going to happen, - I laughed.

- Don't be so sure, miss Limber I can be quite boring. After all, I am nearing forty.

- "Lennie"...

He looked at me. We had stopped right at the very entrance to a sunlit garden. The sun made him squint and his thin mouth was slightly open, as if he was at a loss for words.

- Please call me Lennie. You call all your other students by their first names. I wouldn't wish to be an exception.

He smiled, squinting in the sun again.

- As you wish, Lennie.

With that, we stepped out into the sunlight.

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