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My dearest, loveliest people who have stuck with me for the whole of the past book: I have an apology to make.

First of all, for the enormous amount of time I took to write the second book. Second, for how my ideas for this book have changed over the past few months.

I started off with a feel-good, albeit angsty fanfic and somewhere along the middle this turned into something deeper and more complicated.

All of you, probably, have expectations for this book. And I wanted to say that I'm sorry in advance if it does not live up to your expectations, or that it does not turn out the way you want it to - but I have to keep writing it the way I see it, because for me, there is no other way.

Either way, I adore you guys for cheering me up, commenting and supporting my little book.

You're making this hard time in my life worthwhile.



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