Chapter Three || Announcements

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Hogwarts was just as big as Lupin had warned me. As I first stepped out unto the wet platform, the same spirit of adventure I had felt before in the train swept over me, together with the wind and the dancing leaves. I hadn't felt like this in a terribly long while. I remember staying there, breathing in the cold autumn air, just to make the moment linger - until I was woken up by a group of children rushing past me and I nearly fell over.

The porter carried my things to a carriage without horses and I rode off to the castle, looking around me with hungry eyes and trying to feel the place, become familiar with it, love it as I realised people had loved it before me. Children were shouting, porters giving instructions... It was such a busy day.

The castle itself astonished me, and as I followed the crowd into the Great Hall, I had to catch my breath. Candles were floating all around the enormous hall - such a simple idea and yet it made everything look so elegant. Why didn't my school ever think of that? But then, here everything seemed like royalty - the architecture, the light, the location... and the people.

I sat down next to some other students, wondering what I had to do next. Apparently, no one was there to meet me and I just had to mingle with the crowd until I found out where I was to go. In a way, I liked it. I felt part of Hogwarts. I felt like a first year.

The clamour and amount of voice was sometimes too much for me, especially after my incident in the train, but overall, I enjoyed the commotion. Soon, however, it all went quiet. A tall-looking man with a long white beard rose from a table at the far end and gave a speech.

                                                   Welcome! Welcome to another year  at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say, before we become befuddled              by our excellent feast ...

I smiled at his choice of words and applauded with the rest. Everyone seemed so happy, him included - and he just generally seemed like such a nice man. The complete opposite of my headmaster at my school.

This year is special to Hogwarts, because we've got four exchange students with us. Now these people have been chosen very carefully by our committee. They're all straight O students, and I would like you all to give them the most warm welcome possible. And could those lucky people who will be joining us for the next semester please come up to me to be sorted in their houses?

Miss Lennie Limber...

I rose and started walking down the hall, people looking at me, whispering. I think I even heard someone whistle. I walked as fast as I could, because I wasn't used to this sort of attention. Finally, I was climbing the steps up to the tall man. He shook my hand and placed his hand on my shoulder. I think I almost blushed with pleasure. This seemed more like a family gathering than a school.

Miss Tamara Wallace....

The crowd cheered again as a tall, red-haired girl with a pretty face and a happy smile ran down the hall and was soon next to me.

- Hi there, - she waved.

I waved back, too overwhelmed to speak.

- Miss Ariadna Hemmock.... and Mr Andreus Wharf, - the tall man concluded.

A good-looking, dark-haired boy was up next to us now together with a blonde, sweet-looking girl, who didn't look quite as happy as the boy.

- My name is Professor Albus Dumbledore, and I'm the headmaster of Hogwarts. It is a pleasure to meet all of you.

We clapped, not knowing what else to do on such an occasion. Andreus seemed fairly content with what was happening, but Tamara blushed and the other girl stayed silent.

- You will now be sorted into your houses. This is a very important ceremony. It determines which Hogwarts department shall be best suited to your abilities and desires... I shall place the sorting hat on each one of you and they it will decide. Some people get scared of the hat, as it can speak, and quite loudly sometimes too... But don't worry, one thing it cannot do is bite you.

Tamara and I exchanged nervous glances and I smiled.

- -Ah, so the sorting hat is already in the room? - Dumbledore continued. -Who would like to go first?... No one? Pity.

I raised my hand.

- Well well, Miss Limber, if that isn't courageous, - chuckled Dumbledore.

In the complete silence, I went up to the hat. Then I turned around-

- Can the hat read your thoughts?

A roar of laughter went up in the hall.

- It can do much more than that, sweetheart, - cried out a red-haired boy from one of the tables and the whole room seemed to laugh at me, once again.

I sat down at the stool provided and the hat was lowered down upon my head. I closed my eyes as the hat uttered a "Hmmmpph".

- Now. This is something I haven't done in a while, - the voice of the hat came from above me. It was a kind voice, even though it did sound quite gruff.

- Intelligent, yes. Very. Passionate. Determined... Wants to make a difference... But passion is the main thing here.

The hat waited for a terribly long while. I felt like I was meditating, like all my thoughts were getting sucked out of me, and yet it was a heavy feeling.

I closed my eyes and didn't say a word.

- GRYFFINDOR! - it bellowed and I heard my heart beating wildly in my ears.

Happy as I hadn't been for the past two years, maybe, I rose, and shook Dumbledore's hand. He waved in the direction of Gryffindor's table.. I had no idea what being sorted out into Gryffindor meant. I only knew I'd have a hard time getting used to the name. I sat down at the edge of the table, not knowing where to put my hands or where to look.

The rest had already been sorted out, when Dumbledore raised his hand again.

                                                   - An equally important announcement: I'm pleased to  welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who  has kindly consented to fill the  post of Defense Against the Dark   Arts. Good luck to you,  Professor.                                       

"Professor R.J. Lupin..." the words echoed through my mind as I turned around and saw Remus Lupin smilingly get up from where he sat and bow to the room. As he looked up, our eyes met. Suddenly the memory of his hands on mine surged as I saw him smile at me. It was a smile of recognition, of shared conversations and glances. I tried to smile back, but something stopped me. I turned away, even though I hated myself for it.

I suddenly felt cold. I took my hands down and locked them under the table, looking down so I wouldn't meet anyone's happy or inquisitive eyes. The noise was getting too much for me, and my heart was suddenly aching, an echo of the way that Dementor had attacked me that day. It was so happy and shiny all around, and everyone was cheering. Yet in the strangest possible way, I felt my face contorting slightly and I almost cried.

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