Chapter 17 ~ time to tell the parents

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hey guys long time no see.... i know i suck or not updating please forgive me XD

sebastian ~ my lady would you like some tea?

mikunagato ~ please sebastian

Ciel ~ i guess im doing the discalimer again...

mikunagato~ no i belive its sebatian's turn to do it

Sebastian~ miss mikunagato20 does not own kuroshistuji/black butler in anyway all the original characters belong to the creator yana sensei


Ciel's POV

2 months now...

2 months since me and sebastian found out.

we havent told anyone yet, but i dont really intend to tell anyone well thats human that i... the humans wouldnt understand why another male who they know and still think is human is pregnant so, im going to keep little contact with anyone who doesnt know about me or sebastian. well at least until the twins are born.

"ciel, honey... whats going on in that head of yours, you look like you were away with the fairies" he said as he laid infront of me

"oh... im just thinking about them"

"who?" he asked

i placed my hand on my stomach, he smiled and kissed me on the lips, he was gentle as he didnt want to arouse any thing.... poor guy he overjoyed about the fact that im having his children, but i dont think he's happy about not being able to have sex for the next 7 months.

"well sebastian i was also thinking.... your parents.... they know right?"


"the pregnancy"


i rolled my eyes and laughed, i swear sebastian's only fear is his parents

"shhhuuuushshhh sebastian, its okay, just tell them its a human tradition not to tell anyone until two months, im sure they'll belive you " i said

he sighed "well i best go and write a letter telling them to visit as soon as possible"

"you go and do that.... i'll just go and get some cake " i didnt really need to eat cake but sebastian enjoyed watching me eat it and plus it was something i was so used to eating as a human , it just became a habit.

~~time skip~~

"sebastian have you prepared you parents guest rooms"

"i have"

"and you made sure that everything was perfect"


"and are you sure they wont got completely insane about us not telling them"

"i am well and truely sure my love, please calm down, everything will go smoothly as long as we have no unexpected guests or disasturous accidents from the servants"

i let out a huff of air

and there was a knock at the door "that'll be my parent ciel, i'll just let them in now"

"Oh Bassy.... im here and we're all quere" oh god no.... not now, why today of all day, he could of came tomorrow or yesterday but why..... why today of all 365 days of the year!!!!!

"oh grell, william, its nice to see you.. but why are you here?"   sebastian asked

"well i didnt want to come but grell dragged me here" william said 

"come now bassy you shouldnt looked so shocked, i know you love our company really"

"grell its not that we dont enjoy your company its just that, sebastians parents are visiting and i dont think they will be best pleased if they found you a pair of shinigami's here" i said

oh god I should of jinxed it, I faced palmed and sigh. "alright come in but you can not make one sound when my parents arrive" Sebastian said 

"yay " grell screamed.

sebastian led them into the parlor and i heard the door again "Ciel, Ciel, Ciel!!!" elixabeth cried

can this day get any worse, why today of all day do people decide its a good time to come and visit me and at worse why Elizabeth, she was the last person who i wanted seeing me like this.

"Elizabeth im sorry but you cant be here today sebastins parents are visiting and well they were only expecting me and sebastian to be here"

"but ciel, i traveled all the way from london just to see you" she said.

"Elizabeth im being absolutly and positivitly serious, come and visit me next week  just not today" i begged.

but she kept on looking at my stomach "ciel... is sebastian feeding you too much, you're getting a little podgy around the waist"

"Elizabeth you are coming off subject, please go back to your mother, you cannot be here today"

"alright i'll come back next week" she quickly hugged me and hopped back into her carriage with her maid Paula"

as she left i saw two carriages arrive the first one i recognised as sebastian's parents carriage because it always had a creepy aura about it. but the second one as i came into view i recognised it... sebastian stood behind me and smiled 

"i see my parents are here" he chirped but then he realised i was frozen with shock 

"not today please not today" i whispered. it was Alois and Sana Trancy pulled up in front of my manor, that god damed blonde bipolar! why today a question which has been repeated many times in my head today.

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