sammy and levi are the cutest doggos ever

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alrghty well weird title woot lol

well it's like two am again and i'm just finished bio homework anywaysssss

i actually feel good today even though i procrastinated a LOT

i think it's because milaN FINALLY ANSWERED HER TEXTS GEE-

ok but also i got a huge creative boost for PARTY TATTOOS and i wrote the next chapter eheh prob to come out soon ehehehehEEHEHEEH IM SO EXCITED OMG


bio homework suuuuUUUcks

also i have an 89% in math but apparently it's an A-?????? so yay?????? i like saw it and i like almost screamed omg it scared me so much i was like" iTS A B+ WTH" and then my friend was like "dalvie clam down it still says A-" and i was like W H E W

i also texted ex crush for a bit without it getting too awkward so that was kinda nice

i miss youth groupppppppppp


how was everyone's day??? any interesting events?? did yall sleep well lol a lot of you are always like DALVIE I DID NOTHING I JUST WOKE UP and i'm like I SORRY SLEEPYHEADS XD XD

QOTD: what is something you do to wake yourself up when you're falling asleep in class?

ohmyhaylee kalopsiascity EchoAllison -AnAngelsGrace ororotchalla teamsophie- tomsbella -varchies Hellcatpat tribecky achromous bowtruckIe Ioislanes dragxnqueen talkthepoc @ anyone else!

AOTD: in class when i feel myself falling asleep, i either do two things:

1. i get up and start walking around whether it's like around my friends because we're doing a group thing or like walking to the bathroom for a break (i do the bathroom trick a LOT in math oopsies) but i try and move around; it usually works woot woot

2. if i'm not able to walk around, i put my hand over my eyes and close them lmao or i pretend to rub my eyes under my glasses. there is one catch i have found out to this trick though: if you close your eyes, you get more tired sooooo that kinda sucks it's like when you running and you walk for a bit and then you feel more tired so yep


i talked to a dude about the japanese american concentration camps yayyyy he likes history lol also apparently his grandparents were in one of the camps so that's kinda kewl but really sad too alcnijflanejmqjkfak

Random Stuff! Part Three!Where stories live. Discover now