72 14 105

Made by yours truly, dalviecurtis

1 | how many wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

2 | how's your love life?

3 | opinions on the nEW THOR MOVIE?!?!??? (NO SPOILERS)

4 | why is tom holland is beautiful?

5 | how does one flirt?

6 | what would the mirror of erised show if you looked into it right now?

7 | slytherin, gryffindor, hufflepuff, or ravenclaw?

8 | meet the harry potter (originals) cast or the infinity wars cast?

9 | most treasure memory with a friend?

10 | favourite comfort food?



ohmyhaylee kalopsiascity -AnAngelsGrace ororotchalla GroundedBellamy thegreyarea- -banksie -jazzbandjazz EchoAllison heartwares dumpliins The_Insane_Avenger HoldOnIStillWantYou -accioclary  MaddieThePurpleCat TEAM_SOPHIE @ anyone else



Crush and I had a solid conversation about biology so woot

Crush and I had a solid conversation about biology so woot

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^ dalvie is so weird OML

^ dalvie is so weird OML

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^ dalvie is #smooth

Also idk if y'all saw the message on my message board but
1) no I'm not ok I'm actually v stressed + depressed + tear dressed
2) it'll be fine I guess

Also idk if y'all saw the message on my message board but 1) no I'm not ok I'm actually v stressed + depressed + tear dressed 2) it'll be fine I guess

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Random Stuff! Part Three!Where stories live. Discover now