once {a poem by dalviecurtis}

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I once knew a girl
Strong in heart
Confident in spirit
And brave in all parts

She was talkative
She was loud and funny
At least to herself
Her jokes were quite punny

Her friends seemed to like her
They would always talk
To her and about her
Together they would walk

School was fun!
It was full of adventure and friendship,
Hot lunches and choir,
Maybe even a relationship

This girl I once knew
Was my favourite kind of person
Extroverted, a bit clumsy, 
But nothing about her seemed to worsen

In fact, her life was good
She was happy
Her days were filled with laughs and people
Her writing was appreciated, her personality was just a tad bit yappy

Then came the next year
Full of excitement and wonder
"What will I get in my classes?
In my mind, which boy might wander?"

But it was not meant to be
For this girl I once knew
Would disappear and vanish
Like air in the blue

I tried to find the girl
But locked away she was
With pounds of self doubt, self pity,
Self longing, and an unfamiliar buzz

Of darkness and depth
Of stress and heartache
She became like a pastry
That was began to burst when baked

Her dreams turned to shreds
She doubted herself many times
Her heart was wasted
Given too many times to others, who would just whine

I once knew a girl
Strong in heart
Confident in spirit
And brave in all parts

But I cannot find her
For she is buried deep
Under scars and heartbreaks
Full of worthlessness that would make one weep



for all of you wondering: yeah, i'm ok

just having a lot of self doubt right now and feeling under appreciated which makes me sound kinda selfish and rip


QOTD: do you like snow? if so, why? if not, why not? does it snow often by your house?

ohmyhaylee kalopsiascity EchoAllison GroundedBellamy thegreyarea- Hellcatpat Neffia The_Insane_Avenger calloipe lsvrsclub -AnAngelsGrace starryrivers -accioclary MaddieThePurpleCat HoldOnIStillWantYou TEAM_SOPHIE @ anyone else!!

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