equal {a 'spoken word' by dalviecurtis}

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When I was growing up
People told me I could be anything I wanted to be
I could be an astronaut, up the the stars,
Just the moon and me
I grew to believe them, I wanted to believe them
Who would tell a kid that their dreams were to be dashed?

I soon looked up to the actresses and characters I saw on TV
Who looked and acted just like me
I adored the people like Mulan
I once even created my own hair salon
Under the table for her
Cutting my hair, just like she did in her winter fur
It gave my mother quite a scare, I'll give you that
But now when I look back,
I realized how I loved people who looked like me
Asians and minorities, all of us, we

Because of these childhood characters and childhood stars,
I would always imagine myself as them under the elementary monkey bars
Me acting out in my own fantasy play
As ladies like Arwen the elf from Lord of the Rings, in the dark forests, trying to find her way

I wanted to be on Hollywood, in these big budget films
At a young age, I realized how I saw few characters looked like me
I made up my mind that I could act in movies and
Make them correct, no more Japanese school girls who giggled in band
Movies with not just size zero, Barbie doll, blue eyes blondes

I wanted strong minority women on the silver screen
Women who I could act out later on in my future and I would beam
At the prospects of becoming a big A-list actress
Someone who other girls looked up to, someone who was attractive

As I grew older and older, soon reaching middle school,
I realized that the idea of minorities as big roles
Was not common
And seemed to have an
Invisible hand that limited diversity in cinematography
And as I tried to find more and more girls
Like me in the Hollywood business to look up to as role models
I found none

We are at an unprecedented time where
Diversity in filmmaking is becoming more valued, cherished, and cared
For by so many in the world who wish to see
Other people like themselves on the silver screen
Movies need to have this quality,
It is a "must" not a "maybe"
Diverse casting in movies like "Spiderman Homecoming" and "Rogue One" are
Setting the bar
And elevating the movie experience for all of us
As one and together

When the entertainment business has diversity
Latinos, Asians, African Americans, Caucasians, and more
People find others to look up to,
People can relate, they see the situations galore
That they have been in, that they can see themselves in
These are the movies that win

In this cultural melting pot of a world,
Where we are told
That we can be anything we want to be
A singer, a dancer, a biker, a teacher; we
Are called to stand together in equality
As one and together




ok at first i was really proud of this, like reallllly proud


some classmates read this anonymously and their notes were ahahahah great soooooo yay...

that's why i loki want to burn this poem because it's horrible, but it's all good ahahahah *laughs then cries*

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