Tags woot woot

84 13 145

From the AMAZ The_Insane_Avenger


1 | always be noticed or never get noticed?

always :)

2 | would you rather run or walk?

walk ahahahah

3 | do you like sports?

they're meh

basketball is pretty lit

4 | books or kindle?


5 | how happy are you today?

on a scale of one being horrible and ten being SUPER HAPPY

uhhhhh 4.5

also writing a super sad chapter just now didn't help ahahahahaha

6 |  how fun is school for you?

fun as in i have great friends

ehhhh as in i'm really done wth schoolwork and homework and all work

7 | would you rather watch a movie in the theater or in your room?

theater would be lit

8 | what's your fave food?

anything asian tbh

9 | how long have you been on wattpad?

hmmmm almost two years!!!!

wait no, more like a year and a half lel

10 | how many questions does The_Insane_Avenger have to make up?

prob a lot more sorry fam

11 | can The_Insane_Avenger come and visit me and take me on a magical adventure to narnia?


12 | go to a museum or work there?

maybe work there?

13 | titles for tags because The_Insane_Avenger can't think of any




ohmyhaylee kalopsiascity Neffia dumpliins The_Insane_Avenger -AnAngelsGrace lsvrsclub TEAM_SOPHIE MaddieThePurpleCat HoldOnIStillWantYou EchoAllison Hellcatpat the_talking_sword ororotchalla GroundedBellamy thegreyarea- -spark @ anyone else

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