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After that exchange with Richie at the arcade (Y/n) and him parted ways; saying there goodbyes and heading off in the directions of their warm homes. While Richie lived more in the center of Derry (y/n)'s home was located more on the outskirts of the town.

(Y/n) remembered asking her mother and father why they would wanna live on the outskirts of town and getting the reply back, "It's much more wider out here; much more space for you and Charlie to relax and play at." says her mother.

Charlie hadn't been around for a couple of months seeing as how he lived a couple of states away from Derry; since he was after all attending college, "I'll miss you kiddo; make sure you stay out of trouble, oh and take care of pop's and ma for me ya hear me!" where the last words the dark haired male had spoken to her before he took off in his car and left.

Waiting a few minutes until Richie and his bike were out of eye sight the (h/c) haired female turned on her heel and walked her way in the direction of her home, the small heels on the ends of her shoes clicked and flattered against the hard coon creek ground.

Her pants hugged her legs and thighs loosely but fitting; it was wrapped protectively around each leg making sure to provide warmth as the breeze blew gently throughout the air, "Why couldn't Richie have walk me home-" mumble the teenager as she pushed her soft (s/c) hands into the pockets of her confronting  (f/c) sweater; "Maybe then I wouldn't have to walk the lonely streets alone."

Continuing with her walk at a fast but slow pace (Y/n) took the time to enjoy the fresh air that she was receiving from the afternoon sky; pausing on the middle of the sidewalk she leaned her he's back, her (h/c) locks falling gently into her neck as she took a glance up at the afternoon sky.

It was beautiful. The sky looked almost to true to be real, 'Almost like a painting.' she thinks taking in Derry Maine's such wonderful colors; the sky looked almost like a orange hazel field but with spots of a dulling shade of yellow as well as a couple of blues and purples mixed in.

Not once had (Y/n) turned to address the group standing behind her; she was to focused on her own little thoughts of the sky that she hadn't even heared the approaching footsteps of the teenager boys behind her.

"Well hello there princess-" snapping her head away from the afternoon sky; (Y/n) found herself face to face with none other then the Bowers gang; the worst of the worst, the bad boys who would spit bad language; bully and taunt others, mainly the loser club and were known for skipping school to hang out and cause some trouble.

"What brings you all out here alone; past curfew. Don't you know sweetheart, bad things happen to little girls like you in the dark." taunted Patrick; he looked like the oldest out of the others and probably was in fact the oldest too, but (Y/n) never really paid attention to them.

"Well sweetheart-" Patrick begans again knocking  (y/n) from out of her train of thoughts once more, "Do you want us to walk ya home?"; Patrick's wears a playful but mischief smirk upon his face, almost as if he was planning something. "After all we wouldn't want our fellow Derry resident getting hurt now; or would we?"

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