Chapter seventy

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The catch

Ava sat with her legs hanging loosely in the air as she watched the clock tick slowly forward

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Ava sat with her legs hanging loosely in the air as she watched the clock tick slowly forward. Her hunger was blossoming as if an orchard was in bloom within her stomach, filled with trees that only crumble with touch.

She ached for something to give her warmth, her skin growing paler as the last of her own blood disintegrated in to nothing. Her eyes had dug dark bags underneath them, leaving a cavern of nothing but exhaustion in their wake.

But Avas morals were too strong to be domineered by the coppery scent of blood cradled within a crystal glass only a few metres from her.
She would not let the enemy win.

Heels clacked against the floor, ringing carelessly through Ava's eardrums like a symphony. The girl shot upright and glared as Freya Mikaelson strolled into the room.

"How sweet, you came to check on the hostage." Ava sneered, the pain in her head only exemplifying her anger. Freya chuckled with a slanted brow, casually leaning against a chair adjacent to the blonde.

"I've actually come to help. I was once denied the right to die with dignity, and I grew to hate the one who took that away from me. You needn't hate Niklaus for his strange ideas of helping, he is lost in grief and I fear if you choose to die with only hatred strung in your heart for him, he will hate himself." Freya declared, a feeble smile on her lips as she opened a small bottle filled with what seemed as dust.

"If you choose to die Ava, so be it." And with the last remark Freya threw the glass to the floor, shattering to tiny fragments with a puff. Ava raised her brow as she stepped forward, her hand outstretched to touch the impenetrable forcefield but only reached air.

She coughed away the fear lodged in her throat and nodded, heading to the door before another mikaelson changed their mind.

"Thank you Freya." The blonde hummed, her body still weak from the intoxicating stench weaving through the room.

"I would like to offer another choice." Freya called as Ava was about to leave the room, turning back to the dying girl. ava chuckled dryly, folding her arms as she watched the witch suspiciously.

"You're a mikaelson, of course theres a catch."


Darkness shrouded her vision as Ava sat in the confinements of a cargo container, the putrid stench of fish unmissable. She couldn't help but think if this was what it felt like to die, if the black air hung heavy around her skin until she felt each of her bones crush.

She lulled a song while she waited, bouncing on the chair she was bound to with the appearance of Aurora De'Martel. She silenced at the sound of voices and the scraping of the cargo door, letting her body go limp.

The air shifted around her and suddenly, the blindfold draped around her head was being lifted only to reveal Tristan De'Martel.

"Oh brother, you came for me." She whimpered with tears dripping down her cheeks, flinging her arms around him as the restraint was pulled away.

"Always." He whispered, wiping away the tears staining her cheeks with a soft smile. He hoisted her up as if her body could not carry its own weight, and entrapped her in another hug.

Ava almost rolled her eyes at the relationship between siblings, but a small thought nagged at the back of her mind. She would've done the same for Sean- for Camille.

Pushing the thought away, her fingers slipped around the Seratura and snatched it from tristans pocket. The man gasped slightly as he withdrew from his affectionate hug and stared down at Ava's manicured fingertips.

"Rori, what are you doing?" He lulled, fright entrapped in his eyes. Before he could take the small object back, Ava smacked it against the wall with a neurotic grin slipping onto her lips. Tristan darted for the door in panic, his movements jittery and perplexed.

"Aurora what have you done to us?" He cried out, his eyes larger than saucers. Ava laughed as she neared the man calling her his sister, a hand resting on his chest.

"What have I done to us? No, dear brother, what have I done to you..." she grinned, waltzing out of the container with a spring in her step. Tristan stared at the auburn haired girl confused, how had she bypassed the seratura when even an original couldn't.

Ava turned slowly as she reached Niklaus, winking to the man now encaged in a cargo container as the air shifted around them and the spell wore off.

"What is this?" The De'Martel spat, slamming his hands against the barrier in a fit of rage. Ava rolled her eyes as an arm snaked around her waist, her body fidgeting away from the comforting touch as she stepped toward Tristan.

"You know what they say, paybacks a bitch. I just happen to be bitchier."



Late post, I will do the shout outs once I've uploaded for the other books.

Shout outs:

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