Chapter thirty one

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Late for the royal wedding

Late for the royal wedding

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The house was extravagant.

Wedding decorations floated across the room, a bouquet of flowers clinging to every crevice. It was regal, to say the least.

And Ava couldn't help but think if Haley, the girl who loved the minimalistic things, chose to have such a loud and pompous wedding.

Klaus had introduced Ava to the new Rebekah mikealson, dark skin and dark curls portraying the complete opposite to the vampire laid down in a coffin.
The accent however, exuded a British royalty- a girl higher than the rest.

Rebekah quickly shuffled Ava into to get changed from her dreary and stained clothes- into a dress one couldn't simply pass up the chance to wear.

It was old, but the vivid burgundy colour had not faded in the slightest. The dress flowed down to the floor with crystals and gems trickling down it like raindrops on a spring morning.

And once Ava saw herself, hair curled and dress clinging to every part of her body, standing beside Rebekah in the mirror.

She thought she had never truly looked as good as when Rebekah was in charge of her appearance.

It was Rebekah mikealson for gods sake, she had class written on her skin.

As Ava sauntered through the corridors of the compound, toward the ballroom to be seated for the event. She couldn't help but notice Hope giggling in her mothers arms.

It made her heart clench; watching the infant, that resembled both parents so well, relish in the fact she had been welcomed back to her mothers arms.

Ava wasn't the girl who wanted an extravagant wedding, nor a family of five as child upon child played in the home so perfectly fit for a large family. She didn't want a child at all.

She never did.

Until, the day arrived when she had the news.

Tears stroked avas cheeks as she turned swiftly away from mother and daughter. Her hands clenched the railing and her head bowed, hiding the emotions flooding through her.

Avangaline O'Connell could never bare a child.
And Hope mikealson gave her love she had once despised.

As her head lifted up, she noticed how everyone had moved. All were standing as the groom and bride split apart to rise up each staircase in the courtyard.

Ava quickly silenced her sobs and smiled a faux smile as she crept toward the opposite balcony.

A chuckle sounded behind her, laughing at her indiscretion. And as soon as the voice filtered through the air, Ava knew it was him.

"Late for a wedding love?" Klaus taunted, his lips parted to continue but any small sound ceased when he saw her appearance fully.

She looked beautiful.

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