Chapter thirty three

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Blood drenched hands

Ava pushed open the ancient doors that clung to the church walls

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Ava pushed open the ancient doors that clung to the church walls. A soft smile on her lips as she was giddy to see her brother.

"Sean, I got your text. Why do you want me here?" She called out, walking further down the aisle as a rotten stench weaved through the air to reach her.


Her body immediately stopped, her eyebrows furrowed and jaw slacked.

"Sean?" This time her voice was nothing but a whisper, suddenly washing with timidity and confusion.

Her brother turned around, exposing the pure white gown that was soaked in the blood of the fallen.

His grin was wide, almost beaming as the girl shook with fear.
His hands were covered in the crimson liquid, like a painter he stood admiring his canvas.

Ava had yet to see the dead bodies hidden behind the pews, her eyes slowly detaching from her brothers insane gaze to the clothing he wore graciously. 

Her heart slammed in her chest to escape. Her eyes blistering in the pain she was already feeling against her skin.

"You made it! I was hoping you got my text." The brother cheered gleefully, striding toward her with a bounce in his step.

This was not the brother she knew.

He would not do this.

His bright smile dropped as he watched her frightened expression quiver at the oncoming proximity.

"No. No. Shush, don't be scared. I'm saving you Ava, I'm doing what I should have done a long time ago." He lulled to the baby sibling, grasping her hands as if to comfort her.

Sean slowly dragged the girl forward, shushing her with soft sounds and calm words as he pulled her toward the darkness.

Her heart was pounding, her breath heavy, and her hands were drenched in the blood coating his.

When they stopped, Ava was almost in tears- whimpering as her gaze finally left her brother.

She cried in shock, a pile of massacred bodies slumped like dolls beside them.

"Cami should be here soon." He murmured in a soothing tone as he gently squeezed at avas fragile fingers.

"What did you do?" She cried, afraid to see the monster that had overcome her own family.

"I saved them. I'm going to save you too." Sean beamed, bounding over to retrieve the two knifes hidden in a crevice behind them.

"Sean, what did you do?" She repeated, wanting an actual answer.

Did he really kill those people?
Would he kill her too?

"I told you Ava!"  He yelled viciously, slamming the blade against the already cracked wooden stand.

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