Chapter thirteen

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Hidden rooms

Cami and Ava had resorted to the hidden room within their apartment filled with dozens upon dozens of mystical relics

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Cami and Ava had resorted to the hidden room within their apartment filled with dozens upon dozens of mystical relics.

Camis mind was absorbed In a book as she scanned for Vincent's history, whereas Ava was becoming more and more intrigued by the smaller objects her house had held for many years.

"I bet your wanting a new faculty advisor right about now." A new voice hummed from the background forcing both O'Connells to jump from shock.

Cami seemed less freaked than Ava was as the younger of the two still needed to adjust. Instead Ava threw one of the objects she had obtained directly at the source. Marcel chuckled as he caught the object with ease and handed it back to the girl, a sly smirk painted across his lips.

"Who is he? Like, really is he?" Cami asked showing the vampire the book that informed Cami of Vincent's powers.

"Long story short is... impossible." Marcel chortled eyeing the book with caution. Ava folded her arms, she did not want to dawdle.

"We didn't ask for the abbreviated story. And according to our uncles big book of new Orleans blood lines, Vincent's a witch." Ava scolded the vampire, extending her finger to his name to develop her argument.

Marcel nodded before he looked back up to Camille, asking cautiously if Ava could hear what he had to say.
Cami nodded.

"It's much worse. Your therapist has a 1000-year-old dead vampire inside of him named... Finn mikealson." Marcels tone worried the two girls, leading Cami to gasp and Ava to run her hand down her face.

"Well that's bloody great."


The three, an hour or so later, were still in the same positions.

Ava had submerged herself more into the room she was so intrigued about. Her fingers tracing each little detail of the ones she was allowed to touch, and sneaking a glance of the ones her sister refused her to see.

Cami sat on the floor against the wall, reading the ancient book over again to see the smaller details.
Marcel was leant against the sofa nearby observing the pair, it looked as if Ava had been apart of the scheme for longer than Cami. Her demure and personality proving itself worthy of the supernatural surroundings.

Her hand clasped a ball from the corner of one of the shelves and began to chuck it softly in the air. That was until the ball began to shine a dark green colour through the intricate linings of the patterns.

"Oh, crap." Ava muttered, pushing the ball back into its original shape and shoving it far behind everything else in the cupboard. Cami looked up at her sister in disbelief, where as marcel just chuckled at the smaller O'Connells reaction.

"So, what? You want to spy on a witch with a thousand-year-old-grudge against klaus? Huh-uh. I won't let you go anywhere near that guy!" Marcel retorted as he broke the silence of Camilles disapproval, addressing her as his mind was snapped into focus by Ava.

Ava's eyes widened as they flickered between the two, her mouth forming a small o as she figured out where her sister kept going to when she was away. Cami furrowed her eyebrows as she picked herself off of the floor, hand clasped around the book, pressing it to her chest.

"I can handle myself." Cami responded nonchalantly, more offended that the vampire didn't think she could. She gave the book to her younger sister, turning back to asses the small objects that would help her in her objective, retrieving a knife from the bottom shelf in achievement.

"Look. okay, I get it. You're mad at the guy, and you want to get even. So..." Marcels tone was distinguished by the New Orleans accent, it was easy for one to believe he had been there all of his life, many lifetimes or one.

Ava shook her head as she slotted the book back into the shelf,
"not even close." She stated as her fingers left the ancient backbone of the book.
Cami was furious at the man, she couldn't believe he had no faith in her.

"It's not about getting even, Marcel! Look around! Everything in this room, this is my family's legacy. And, if I had just embraced it the first time around, I could have uncovered Francesca Guerrera's secret. And, the wolves would have never taken over the Quarter, so don't tell me to not get involved!" Cami was seething, each words left a bitter taste in the air and Ava was shocked to see it come from her dainty older sister.

The argument was cut short by the shrill ringtone exuding from Marcels pocket. He rose a finger to shush the pair and clicked the button to respond to the call.

"Tell me you have your alpha." Marcel spoke down the line, his mind fully absorbed in another problem they had.

Ava turned to Cami in disbelief, her eyebrow cocked.
"Werewolves, fricking werewolves"


Cami and Ava were walking down the street toward the bar named 'Rousseaus'.
The quaint little side walk was so familiar to the two girls it sent Ava's stomach spiralling. She forgot how much she loved New Orleans.

"God, I haven't been here in a long time. Do you think I could get my job back?" Ava chortled as her feet slipped against the paved slabs. She was more a converse girl than a high heel girl.
Cami bursted into fits of laughter, causing Ava wrinkled her nose in disbelief.

"Absolutely not." Cami recovered, watching as her sister scoffed in fake astonishment. They had reached the door and the man they were distracting fell right into Ava's favourite booth.

It made her squirm how he knew so much about the family.
What drink Cami loved,
what area Ava found the most comfortable.
It was beginning to get creepy.

Cami gripped her sisters arm in a comforting way before pushing the door ajar and slipping into the warm mix of air swelling around the bar. Ava followed soon after her body falling on to the chair she had grown accustomed to.
But that time her body did not relax under relief.
It tensed in anger.


Damn son I'm a day over due on updating. Trying to get in a rhythm is very hard after dedicating so much time for exam preparation. Anyone reading this and going through similar scenarios don't worry you can't be as bad as me. I got less than 30/100 for my maths mock.

What's going to happen with Vincent?
Is he going to find out?
Is Marcel going to intervene?
I mean, have you watched the show?
Joking, you never know.
I might have changed the outcome 😉 or maybe not.
Mmmmmhmmm I'm a cow.

Klaus may not be in this chapter or the next but I can assure you that I've written a cute little snippet for after, which should come soon. I mean it could be cute, but some people say I don't have a really romantic side so...

I really hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing this.
Shout outs as always to the people who make themselves known:

Yet again over 100 reads in just over 7 days, we are nearing 1000 which is insane!!! Please spread the love and support so we can get there soon!

Please vote comment and add to all of them lovely reading lists.
(Because as soon as you add this to a reading list I can see the list and get so much more stories to binge read over!)

Sorry for any mistakes,
Thank you for everything,
See you next week,

Bye X

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