Chapter thirty two

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Matching tears

The parade was like something for royalty

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The parade was like something for royalty. A royal wedding.
And in a sense it was a royal wedding.

Ava was watching the joy flood New Orleans, Haley and Jackson leading the gust of people trailing behind them.

A smile had crept up on avas lips, because for the first time in the time Ava had grown to know Haley, She looked happy.

Her fingers fell from the curtain and turned as the baby behind her began to tremor.

The whimpers were small, but echoed through the room. It didn't take long for Ava to scoop the baby within her arms and cradle her softly back to rest.

The way Hope slotted within avas arms made it so natural for the oconnell.
The way Hope almost purred as she was rocked gently back and forth, her crying ceasing the moment Ava touched her skin.

Klaus had sped into the room, materialising by the doorway and intently watching the two blondes bond.

Ava had barely noticed klaus as Hope curled a hand around one of her fingers, pulling it closer as if to savour her scent.

The two girls were smiling, avas far wider than Hopes. But the joy couldn't help be shadowed by the pain, the realisation that even a hybrid could bare a child.

But she could not.

"Thank you for taking care of her." Klauses voice sifted through the air like honey. Which was bizarre compared to the normality of sharpness within his usual tone.

"I can't take all the credit, Cami and Elijah helped too." Ava noted, lifting her head at the sound of his voice.

Her golden hair had fallen down her structured cheeks, framing the soft smile delicately placed on her lips. But it also revealed the glassed eyes she beheld at that moment aswell.

"Why do you do that?" Klaus questioned the blonde, stepping further into the room. Ava furrowed her eyebrows, a quizzical look plastered in her expression.

"Why do I do what?" She chuckled half heartedly, bouncing the cooing baby slightly to shed the tension.

"Why do you end up in tears every time you care for my child?" Klaus reiterated, stopping just yards from the blonde.

Ava quickly turned away, placing the child in the crib to use up the awkward silence glued to the walls.

Her hand softly stroked Hopes hair down as she kissed the child's temple, hesitant to turn and address the hybrid.

"I haven't the faintest clue what you're on about." Ava murmured as she finally withdrew herself from the baby, watching the curiosity flit through niklauses eyes.

"Yes you do."

He answered for her.

"Does it hurt you that I have a child with someone else? because I assure you my feelings for Haley are purely platonic." Klaus had stepped closer once more, yet the gap between the two was still so agonisingly big.

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