Chapter 5

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127 pounds.


Wanna know how many calories are inside that one drink?

It's better if no one knows because that will make me stop drinking it entirely. I've been reliant on caffeine to give me energy since I couldn't get myself to eat. Every single time I want to eat something, Mia stopped me. She told me to stick to an apple each day so that's what I've been doing.

My thoughts were interrupted when a girl bumped into my chest causing my drink to spill on me. I resisted the urge to lose my cool but since we're in public, it will creat a bad image for Bangtan. Besides, it's partially my fault for not paying attention to my surroundings.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. I'm lucky that I'm wearing all black today. I was planning to wear a pink hoodie and go out but I decided not to. I can't wear anything pink without being called Pink Princess by ARMYs. I know they like making fun of us but sometimes, we idols get hurt too.

I looked up to the girl infront of me. She has brown silky hair flowing down her shoulders beautifully. Her perite figure matches with her baby face and I couldn't deny that she's adorable. But what I love about her looks is her eyes.


That is one rare color to see here in Korea.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I didn't look at where I was going-"


Sapphire was cut off by a loud scream. A fangirl, perhaps, was looking at me in admiration and run to our direction. A big group of reporters came rushing in with the cameras and lights. Due to the lack of nutrition in my body, I can feel my vision getting blurry.

"Is this your girlfriend Mr Jin?"

"Are you buying coffee for this lady?"

I was bombarded with a ton of questions but I couldn't get a single word out. I'm too weak to handle this right now. The lights flashed on me and cameras were all up in my face. I was supposed to buy coffee and work on my dancing afterwards. When did my routined day became a hectic one?

I can't do this.

I feel my legs turning to jelly, my head pounding so hard, my hands trembling and my heart beating very fast.

I need air but I can't seem to have that luxury right now.

Not until Sapphire pulled my hand and dragged me out of the cafe.

Our running sped up when we sensed the reporters chasing us down the road. I cursed my inability to run as fast as I usually could. We took a swift left turn and hide behind the big trash cans. We see the reporters going far ahead so we came out of hiding.

I let out a huge sigh of relief and look over to Sapphire.

She saved me.

But doesn't she know who I am?

All of the sudden, I'm out of breath and black spots blurring my vision.

"Mr Jin? You alright over there?"

I couldn't respond but instead, I fall back on my head, darkness swallowing me up.

mia | KIM SEOKJIN Where stories live. Discover now