Chapter 24

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A slow day, with happy music and a vacuum cleaner in his hands was something Calum needed. Not that he liked cleaning the house that much, but he did need those times where it could be just him. Just him, somewhat loud music and a little dance while sucking up crumbles with the device.

Aiden was with his grandparents for the day, so Calum could have a day to himself. He took use of that by giving the apartment a good sweep and going through easy recipes to pick something he could cook himself. Aiden would be back before dinner and even if Calum figured he wouldn't eat much –since his mum loved to spoil the boy with food- he would still eat something. And it had to be nice, because he deserved that. Even if it was easy.

So he went to the supermarket and got some groceries, packing them away and nodding his head softly to the music in the background, which was playing again. He couldn't even help himself as he danced to the beat while putting away the new carton of orange juice he had bought and the box of cornflakes.

The ringing doorbell snapped Calum out of his dancing, his head moving up as he thought about who it could be. Maybe the postman, but he hadn't ordered anything. Then again, his birthday was right around the corner, so maybe someone had send him something that arrived a little too early. Maybe his sister, he then realised, considering she still wasn't sure if she could come to the small birthday party he was throwing. Or rather, Michael was throwing for him.

Calum had wanted a simple day, preferably just with his parents, sister, Aiden and then Michael with Luke and Aries, if they wanted. But no, Michael had to plan out a whole party, get decorations, force everyone to buy gifts and even go as far as ordering a cake. One they probably wouldn't finish with how big it undoubtedly would be, but Michael would probably just take it home and eat it by himself in the course of the days following. Calum was already happy that Michael hadn't gone crazy with inviting random people.

Snapping himself out of his daze, Calum reached out for the doorknob, momentarily stopping to look in the mirror and make sure he looked at least decent, before opening the door. After having pushed the dark wooden door to the side and looking up, Calum felt all the air leave his lungs. His eyes were widened and staring straight into a slightly dull, hazel pair. A pair Calum had fallen in love with, without a doubt. "Ashton..."

The male across from him swallowed when hearing his name leave the other's lips, seeming unsure of what to say. Calum felt at a loss for words as well, breathlessly letting his eyes move over Ashton and taking him in. As if he would disappear any moment. As if this was just a hallucination.

The travel guide looked just as always, Calum realised, just a little... sadder. He had gained a little more muscles as it seemed and there was a slight scruff on his jaw and chin. His curls were a little shorter and his skin seemed the slightest bit more tan. But his eyes, his eyes were dull and sad. They reminded Calum of a dreary day, rather than love.

"Calum." Ashton finally forced out, his voice a whisper and hands lacing together in front of him, eyes casting downwards. The younger male had to fight the whole of his being to not jump the older male and hug him tightly, wanting nothing but to cuddle and comfort him. The man seemed so hurt and Calum just wanted to make it all better. Kiss him all better.

"Can- can we talk?" The travel guide finally managed to say, eyes flickering up to Calum's, before back down. As if he was afraid to look at Calum too long. As if he was ashamed of what he had done. Now Calum thought about it, he reminded him of a guilty child. "Y-Yeah. Sure."

Opening his door wider and stepping aside, Calum allowed the older male inside. He was suddenly glad he had done some grocery shopping and had cleaned the place. If he had to say, Ashton couldn't have chosen a better time to come visit. Even if Calum wasn't quite sure yet why he was here. Nor how long he would be staying.

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