Chapter 10

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It was already the seventh day of the trip and even if Calum loved spending time with his son, he wasn't opposed to the idea of a night out with only adults. It would be a nice change and that way he could also see some of the night life of the island, which had sounded interesting so far.

The night was completely planned out, babysitters taken care of and kids a bit sad and insecure, but eventually, it brought Calum to the taxi he was in with Michael. The two had become pretty close in those seven days and Calum considered Michael a friend already. Which obviously was a good thing, considering their kids were basically best friends.

"The babysitter knows what to do, right?" Michael mumbled, giving Calum a slightly worried look. The younger male chuckled, patting his shoulder. "They are the best, the hotel has said. Plus, they've been employed for a long time already, they know what to do."

Michael nodded, sighing quietly. "I'm glad they could both stay in your room. At least Aries has someone with her that way."

"Of course. I wouldn't want Aiden to be alone anyway." Calum shrugged lightly, but smiled widely at the bleached blond man. Michael nodded again, slowly smiling. "It's been a while since I've had a proper night out."

"Has it?"

"Yeah, I mean, ever since Luke and I got Aries, it's been all about her. And add up work, minus sleep and all that other stuff that's necessary, that ends up as no time for going out." Michael explained, ruffling his dyed hair. Calum hummed, seeing the truth in that and knowing how he himself was in a similar situation. Heck, he had been a single parent from the start, almost, so he had had even less time, he figured.

"But, either way, with neither to worry about, I can let loose a little." Michael decided out loud, watching as the taxi slowly came to a stop. He then got out, holding the door open for Calum, who thanked him when climbing out. He then took out some money and handed it to the driver, telling him to keep the change and turning to Calum. "Right?"

"Sure, go ahead. I'll make sure you get home." Calum said with a chuckle. Michael hummed, but wrapped an arm around Calum's shoulder to pull him closer as they walked to the club. "You gotta let loose too though. There are no worries here."

Calum shrugged, taking in that Michael smelled nice. It may have been a bit of an odd observation, but since he was so close to the man now, he couldn't help but take in the scent. There was a hint of cologne, but nothing obvious and overpowering in a bad way. That mixed with his soft-sweet scented hair shampoo almost made Calum want to cuddle the man for the rest of the night, instead of going to this club.

"So, first drink is on me. Tell me what you want." Michael said loudly with a big grin on his face, the second they entered the club with booming music. It was good dance music though, making a lot of people move to the dance floor and dance.

"I think I'll go for whatever the island's specialty is. Usually those things are good." Calum answered, just as loud. Michael nodded, signalling he had heard, before pulling Calum over to the bar. The dark haired male watched as Michael ordered for them, putting some money on the bar and watching the bartender with interest as he started on their drinks. It amused Calum how Michael could be interested in something so easily, even if it was something simple, almost as if he saw something special in everything. And maybe he did, who was Calum to know?

"Damn, good choice there." Michael told Calum the second the two drinks got pushed their way. He thanked the bartender and told him to keep the change, much like the taxi-driver. It made Calum wonder how he got all that money, seeing as Michael had also paid for the dye-job of his own and Aiden's hair. He appreciated it, of course he did, but he could pay things for himself too, right? He decided to leave it for a bit though and took one of the drinks, smiling as he took it in. "It looks great."

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