Chapter 4

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"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

Calum groaned as he rolled over, slowly fluttering his eyes open to meet a pair of brown ones. They belonged to a face he knew all too well by now and one that looked a whole lot like himself when he was younger. Just with the slight mix of Lillian's in it. "Yes, AJ?"

"Swim!" The boy squealed excitedly, effectively waking up Calum even more. The man groaned again, stretching and trying to get himself to wake up more properly. "We still need to eat first."

Aiden groaned, pouting at his dad. Calum chuckled and sat up, rubbing his face before yawning. The small boy got off the bed and moved over to the suitcase, happily managing to flip it open and pick out some clothes. He put them all on the bed before moving back to get clothes for his dad too, smiling proudly when putting them on the bed as well. "Dress, then food, then swim, yes?"

Calum smiled, stretching once more before getting up and shuffling to go to the bathroom. He moved a hand through his hair, patting the boy's head once when he passed him. "Very good. Dad's gonna take up the bathroom for a second, yeah?"

Aiden hummed, moving onto the bed and finding the remote, turning on the TV. He grinned when seeing the TV play a show he was familiar with, contently busying himself with watching while his dad was getting ready.

It took the two a bit, but soon they were sat at the breakfast table, eating some scrambled eggs and bacon. It was one of Aiden's favourite things, especially the eggs, and he was eating it happily, giggling whenever some of the eggs fell off his fork. Calum smiled when he saw their travel guide, waving at him shortly and once Aiden noticed, he waved excitedly, swallowing his eggs and grinning widely.

The small boy was quick to return to his breakfast, still a little shy when it would come to the travel guide. It was something Calum was used to when it came to people, knowing Aiden always had that shy phase at first. He would eventually either get really close to someone, or just avoid them. It depended on whether he liked them or not.

"How is breakfast?" Ashton asked them, the second he reached their table. Aiden looked up shyly, nodding but not saying anything. It made both his dad and the travel guide chuckle, before Calum decided to answer for him. "It's very good."

"That's good to hear."

"Did you have a good breakfast too?" Calum asked politely, smiling at the man. He nodded, smiling back and gesturing to where the buffet was set up. "Definitely. I always love the local things or to try them out when I haven't yet."

Calum nodded, looking back at the buffet when the man gestured there before looking back at him and smiling.

"I'll leave you two to eat now, enjoy." Ashton then said, the two adults exchanging their goodbye's as Aiden simply waved at the man, still busy with his breakfast. He was a bit of a slow eater at times, especially now with all the distractions.

"Good morning. Is it okay if we join?"

Calum looked up, putting down his glass of juice and smiling at Michael. He then nodded and gestured to the two empty seats across of them. "Go ahead."

Aries excitedly sat down across from Aiden, waving at him and immediately starting to talk about something. Michael chuckled and put down Aries' things, before putting his own things down on the other place, then putting the empty tray on the empty table next to them. He then sat down, looking at the kids once before returning his attention to Calum. "So, any plans for today, apart from the meeting?"

Calum nodded lightly, his eyes moving to Aiden briefly. "He really wants to go swimming. So maybe if we can access the pool, we'll go there."

"Why not the beach? It's close from what I know and swimming in the sea is just as great." Michael mentioned, before biting into his jellied toast. Calum shrugged a little, licking his lips as he took another sip of his juice. "I want to, but the sea can be wild and he isn't that much of a swimmer, honestly."

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