Chapter 32

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"We get love we deserve, when we start believing we are worth it! "

"She has been out for  3 days Dr. Nikita!"

"Aarav,  she needs time to recover!  She had gone through severe depression and now this traumatic  incident!  Her body needs rest! "

I could here sounds around me  in harsh whisper. I tried opening my eyes but failed miserably!  I tried again and this time succeeded.

"She'll  be fine right? " Aarav's tensed voice boomed through the room.

"Yess,  Don't  worry! " Nikita said.

I tried getting up but groaned.

Both the heads snapped towards me in an instant.  Aarav came rushing towards me and Nikita from the other side.

"Hey,  you're  still healing!" Aarav's soft voice whispered in my ear. 

"Water! " Was the first thing I said.  My throat was as dry as dessert.

Nikita filled the glass with water from the side table and offered it to me.  I drank the contents like my life depended on it.

"How long was I out?" I asked sounding dissapointed?

"Three days!" Nikita said while doing her regular checkups.

"She is totally  fine now.  You have to be careful because the wounds are still healing but everything else is perfectly normal! " Nikita smiled and I just nodded giving her a blank look.

"I'll  leave you two alone and inform the rest! "

She left us and the entire room was filled with silence.  I didn't  care though, I was just staring at the ceiling blankly.  I could feel Aarav's gaze on me but I chose to ignore it.

"Kia! Talk to me!"  Aarav said in a desperate tone.


"Kia!" He called out again.


"Please don't  ignore me babe! " He sat on the side of the plinth and cupped my face.


"Talk to me,  Cry,  let everything out! Please!  I'm  here for you!  I'm  not going anywhere"

I looked at him for the first time and he looked bad.  Like really bad.  He had dark circles under his eyes and his face was pale.  His hair were in a dirty mess.

A single tear dropped from my face but I quickly wiped it away. 

He sighed.  He was broken,  I could see it.  His eyes were red and he was trying his best not to cry.  He was hurt too.  All because of his mother.  His own mother was a monster and I know he was feeling responsible for everything.

I raised my hand and touched his face. He leaned in my touch and kissed my hand.  He then proceeded to kiss my cheeks,  my nose,  my chin and then pecked my lips.  Now he was lying next to me, his arms wrapped around me.

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