Chapter 24

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"Special talks.
Flirty texts.
Stupid Fights.
She was on his mind,  and he in her heart.
Both knew, none confessed"


Flashback 1:

The wind slapped my face making my hair fly into direction. As music blasted through my ears, I took another lap of the big garden.

"Kia...! " A muffled voice made me stop and turn towards the source of the voice.

"Ritika Aunty?" I said surprised to see her.

"Hello! Good morning Kia! I've been calling you for a while now! " she said in her deep voice.

"I'm sorry, I mustn't have heard you!"

"You come here regularly? " she asked as we started walking side by side.

"Nope, when I get time." I smiled at her.

"Medical profession must be keeping you very busy! A very hectic schedule I see"

"Yess hectic, but I still love doing my work! "

What the hell does she want? Let me tell you, she is a busy women, so she talking to me and wasting her time was a bit weird.
Ritika Sinha, the most creepy women with an absolutely confident personality. Her aura screams high class. She was Aarav's mother but I never liked her. She was always welcoming though, and when I mean 'always' it means 'always'. That's why I always thought she faked it.

"What brings you here Aunty? " I asked her now turning serious. We have never talked alone, only when my group was there, with a few hello's and goodbye's. That's it. She just knew we existed in Aarav's world. I don't blame her, she is never in the country. Always flying from one place to another with her husband.

"I came here to meet you and talk to you! " Something flashed in her eyes, but the smile on her lips never faded.

I raised my left eyebrow giving her a confused look.

"Kia! Do you know who I am? " she asked with a bit of anger in her voice.

"Aarav's mother? "

"Yes, but No. I am the wife of Shahid Sinha, one of the greatest politician in this country. Whatever I want, I get it in just a span of time." her voice was now proud and an evil smile was formed on her face.

Her brown eyes and black locks of hair made a perfect combination. She was almost my height with a fair complexion. Aarav got his looks from her, that's for sure.

"Yess! I know that! " I mumbled completely confounded.

"And when I say I can do anything, I mean it. " She held my hand tightly and looked straight into my eyes.
"Stay away from Aarav or it won't be good for you."

"What are you talking about? We're just friends! " I said trying to snatch my hand away from her grip.

"Really? You think I'm not here in the country and I don't spend time with my son, I don't know what is going on? " She snarled at me. "You made him fall for you, fall in your trap. Do you even know where do we stand or how much power we have? Just a call darling! And everything will be destroyed. "

"Leave my hand, you're hurting me! " I literally shouted.

The passers gave us weird looks, but the 'Angelic' face of this women made them go.

"Don't shout at me bitch. You don't know what I'm capable of. This is my first and last warning to you! Leave him alone. If I see you with him again, trust me Kia, it won't be good for you! " she got up and recomposed herself and gave me a very dirty look. A look that showed nothing but disgust. That look angered me. Yess, I've always been short tempered. Any person talking to me like that makes me want to slap some senses into them.

"How dare you talk to me like that? "
I said as she was about to leave.

"Excuse me? " she said, surprise evident in her voice. She wasn't expecting me to answer her back.

"You have no right to talk to me like that!" I glared at her.  " Aarav is my best friend.  That's  it! "

"Kia,  do you know what I'm  capable of? Do you really want me to show you what I can do? " She snarled at me.

The way her eyes were glaring at me made me shook in fear. 

"I'm  not  scared of you!" I tried my best to hide my fear and still look into her eyes.

"Very well then!  Don't  forget,  I had warned you about this! " She gave me her fake smile and left.

I sat on the bench because my knees suddenly  became weak. 

What the hell just happened?!

*End of flashback*

My heart was beating at an irregular  pace as I threw my bag on the floor.  Everything  has to happen in one fucking night.
Tears were streaming down my face as I gathered myself on the floor and put my head on the knees. 

'You are the most coward person I have ever seen'   my subconscious  mocked.

I still remember  the day when that bitch warned me.
Yes!  A bitch!
I don't  have any respect for that women. She is the reason why I am sitting alone in this fucked up apartment with a fucked up life.

I pulled up my sleeve and looked at the cuts.  My entire hand was filled with scars with three new ones healing. 

"You're  strong Kia,  keep going!  You survived this far" I traced on the cuts on my forearm.  "You will last till the end! "


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I know, I'm  kinda late but still Happy new year everyone ! Thankyou everyone for your support and love towards this book! It means alott!
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