Chapter 16

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"People are just like stars,
We never notice them until they fall"

I am not going to sit behind him" I whispered in Trisha's ear. She rolled her eyes and screamed,

"Aarav, Kia is going to sit with you on the bike."

I mentally face palmed myself and glared at her.


"If you don't want to ride with him, I'll go with him" Ahana suggested.

"Yess, yess sure! I'll ride with Sam!" I exclaimed.

She was about to turn when Sam said,
"Ahana, who is going to ride my bike?"
"You?" She replied confused.

Sam raised her right eyebrow and waited for Ahana to realize.

"Oh God! " Ahana said rolling her eyes.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Sam lost her license and as a true citizen she is not going to ride her bike till she renews it. Till that time, Ahana is the assigned driver. " Trisha says.

"How did you lose your license? "

"That is one hilarious story!" Ahana said laughing.

"We don't have time for that!  Ahaaaannaa, let's goo! " Sam screamed taking Ahana along with her.

"I guess you're stuck with him!" Tri smirked.

I start walking toward Aarav's bike. He was wearing black leather jacket and was holding his helmet tight in one hand. I took a deep breath. Why he has to be soo hot!

"Hey" Aarav said with a small smile as I got near his bike.


"Ready to go? Or are you scared to sit on my baby!" He teased.

"Oh please! This is not the first tine I'm  sitting on a bike. Infact I love bike rides. "  I said frowning at him.

"We'll see! C'mon, hop on! " He said giving me another helmet.

I wore the helmet and sit behind him.

The engine came to life. He accelerated making the engine roar.

Rian came beside us with his bike and did the same with Tri behind him.

"Don't challenge me brother" Aarav said.

"Oh! I'm scared" Rian said widening his eyes.

"In for a race?" Aarav smirked.

"Let's go" Rian said raising his hand in air.

"Dude, dude dude! What race? I mean no race" 
Hell, I was scared.

"I want to reach my old house in one piece."

Yeah! I had finally agreed to visit my old place. After giving me another two-three speeches about letting it go and moving on, I had finally agreed on going there. That place was sold to someone anyway. The money was donated to orphanage, so I'm pretty sure everything would have changed.

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