Only if you say yes

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*1 year later*

*Lily's P.O.V.*

I wake up and glance around, seeing Jack's peacefully sleeping figure laying next me. I place a hand on his bare chest and trace the outline of his abs, waking him up. "Ugh, baby, five more minutes." He complains.

"Nope! We have training in 3 hours and you know how I like to train by myself beforehand and I know how you like to watch and attempt to keep up." I say happily to my sleepy boyfriend.

"Fine." He says as he lazily crawls out of bed. I hop off the bed that is too tall for me and walk into the closet changing into one of his big black tshirt and a pair of blue spandex shorts that are covered by his shirt. I then walk out of the bedroom, into the kitchen where Jack was, finishing up a small breakfast burrito. I chuckle at him and he smirks, him grabbing an apple for me, knowing good and well, I wouldn't eat anything if he didn't bring something, I then slip on my blue and black nikes before we both walk out of our shared dorm.

After a short walk that consisted of me eating the apple and him texting someone he won't tell me about, we both race each other to the training field. Today, me and Jack were assigned to train the new recruits on knives and guns. When the government decided that we were no longer at threat, they let us go freely, but majority of us just decided to vacation with our families then come back to help train others.

When we arrive I do my normal warm up, then workout and run the obstacle course until my group shows up while Jack just sharpens his knives and cleans my guns.

After a few hours, everyone came to the field and we did our normal starting warm ups.

*Reap/Jack's P.O.V.*

All the trainees line up at their target as they listen to Lily talk about proper positioning for your arms and feet, little did she know, I had made a plan with all of them. They were to all do something small that was incorrect to distract Lily on them instead of their targets. Knowing that Lily would then ask me to demonstrate, I will say a few words then finish the plan.

It had been a few minutes, all of them doing what we had discussed, spelling out exactly what I wanted them to. Thank you guys!!

"Everyone just stop!" Lily yells, finally done with all the little mistakes "Jack, please show these people how to properly shoot a gun."

I smile and point at all the target, I had the students spell out "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" . She gasps looking at the targets then turning around as I pull a small velvet box out of my pocket while getting down on one knee. "Only if you say yes."

"Oh my goodness Jack! Yes!Yes!I love you so much!" She exclaims and kisses me tenderly after I slip the diamond ring onto her ring finger.

"I love you too my little Lily."

A/N: OMG GUYS, I SERIOUSLY JUST DID THAT!!I SERIOUSLY JUST FINISHED INNOCENT KILLER! It is over, I am sad, but happy, you all have been great fans, thank you all for so much. If you have any requests for side stories or even ideas for a second book, please let me know. I would love to hear all of your ideas! Thank you all! Hope you enjoyed this book.

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