A date with a tank

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A/N: Sorry about all the time skips in this chapter and the constant switching on P.O.V.s

*Reap's P.O.V.*

It has been about a week from the day that me, Lily, and the rest of the guys went out and got tattoos. That day was the day that I realized, I really do love Lily, I will do anything to protect her.

*Lily's P.O.V.*

We had just finished out training for the day and all the guys walked off to go take a shower as I stay behind and continues training. 10 push ups, 20 sit ups, 25 squats, 20 lunges on each leg, 80 jumping jacks, and 60 second wall sits, repeated 3 times. 

Once I finished that, I walk over to my bag and pull out a sweat towel, wiping my face before drinking around half my water bottle. "Hey beautiful." I hear Reap's deep voice say.

"Hey." I respond with a smile.

"I was wondering...if you...wouldgoonadatewithme?" He asks starting slow and finishing too fast for me to understand.

"What, slow down, please?" I reply, my eyebrows scrunched together.

"I was wondering..." he sighs "will you go on a date me?" His finally ask, shyly and nervously rubbing the back of his neck with his eyes on the ground. 

"Of course!" I exclaim and his head shot up with a megawatt smile on his face, he looked adorable.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He yells in response and hugs me.

"Hey Reap." I say, gaining his attention once again.

"Yes sweetheart?" He replies.

" You should smile more." I whisper before kissing him on the cheek and grabbing my bag, walking back to the dorm.

We are actually going on a date.

*Reap's P.O.V.*

"You should smile more." Lily whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek, resulting in my heart rate increasing.

I stand there, feeling the heat that had risen to my cheek as I watch her walk back to our dorm. As soon as she is out of hearing range I yell "She said yes!!!"

Lily said yes! I am so flipping happy, I have not been this happy in a long time.

*few days later*

Today is the day! The day Lily and I are finally going on a date. I pull on my dark-wash jeans and my denim button up before grabbing my leather jacket and putting it on. After grabbing my wallet,phone, and the tickets, I slip on my shoes and head to the place me and Lily agreed on meeting.


It has been about 15 minutes and I was starting to get nervous. I ran my hand through my already messy hair again, but when I glance over, I see my beautiful date. She was wearing an oversize, army green sweatshirt and a pair of black pants with sheer panels placed around her leg. Her blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun, a pair of aviators blocking the sun from her eyes and a pair of army green Nike shoes. She smiles at me sweetly and waves as she walks over to me. "Sorry it took so long, my dad wanted to know where I was going, I told him that it was our day off." She explain with a apologetic smile.

"Everything is alright princess. Don't worry, you are worth the wait. You look amazing." I respond as I open her door, allowing her to slide into the passenger seat and I run around, hoping into the driver seat. I start the car and drive to the location I decided on having our date at.


After about half an hour, we arrive at a military museum. I had something here I wanted to show Lily. We walk up to the door and I hand a man out tickets. He leads up to a room and turns on the lights, gesturing us in before whispering "Nice to see you Jack." and closing the door. I  watch Lily as she walks around the old tank that stood in the middle of the room.

"Wow... where are we? I have been here before with my dad and brother, but I have never been in this room." She says, turning to face me.

"This is a private room, only me and few people who work here and allowed to come back here." I explain to her and she looks around in awe.

"Why?" She asks, running her hand along the tires of the tank.

"This is the only tank that is left from the war that my dad served  and died in. My dad is the one who drove the tank, so they still let me back here." I answer, walking up and hugging her from behind, her head resting against my chest. I let go and walk over to a basket that sat in the corner of the room, pulling out a container that had 2 chicken salad sandwiches and a bag chips. I then sit down on a blanket that I had placed there previously. The two of us eat and we we're watching "Monsters Inc." on my laptop. 

We have finished the movie and Lily was sitting with my legs on either side of her while looking for another movie. "Hey princess." I say and she tearing her eyes away from the screen, looking up a me. "I know that this is technically our first date, but...umm... I feel like if I don't do this now while I have the courage, I will chicken out later."

"What is it Jack?" She ask, turning around facing me.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I answer quietly, hoping she heard me. After waiting a few minutes for a reply and still getting nothing, I look up at her, she has tears flowing down her cheeks. "Oh no no no, what's wrong? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." I begin ranting, my heart going a million miles a hour. 

"Jack..." I hear her squeak out and the small sound snaps me out of my thoughts really fast. "I would love to be your girlfriend." 

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest and I kiss her. The feeling of her soft lip against my lips sending sparks through my entire body. I quickly snap out of my trance and look at her "Sorry, I should have asked you first, I just got really excited." I whisper an apology. She giggles and look at her confused before she puts her lips  back on mine.

I have never been so happy. 

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