I guess it'll happen early

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*Axel's P.O.V*

I wake up and quickly realize that something is off, no one is in the dorm and there is a note left on my pillow next to me. I pick up then unfold the small slip of paper. The note reads: "We all are in the weapon's training building." in Buck's hand, I sigh and raise a suspicious eyebrow . I swiftly get down from my top bunk and throw an outfit on before running out the door to the weapon's training building on the other side of the base.

I step in and see Buck with his hands raised, surrounded by Reap, that Carter boy, and a cold-hearted killer known as Lily or C.C.P., I scowl at the group, but listening carefully. "Listen, before you get mad, you need to know, it is not me." Buck spoke quietly and quickly.

"What do you mean?! This is your number!" Reap yells at him.

"Shhh! He could be listening!" I attempts to hush Reap who look furious. I chuckle and nudge a little closer, at least he got that right.

"Who is he?!" Reap asks slightly quieter.

"Axel." He answers, now I am absolutely ticked. He is going to be dead. I guess I couldn't wait till July 3rd, sorry mom, but I must avenge you. I quietly walk by a table and pick up one of the knives before calmly walking to the group, the knife hidden in my sleeve.

"Wassup guys!" I greet in my normal happy voice. Goodness, I hate this voice, it is so annoying having to fake it all the time. The small group jumps and turns around to look at me, all wearing a nervous smile.

"Hey Axel, did you sleep good?" Lily asks carefully.

"I slept great, how nice of you to ask!" I say with a smile and grab her hand, in a seemingly innocent way.

"Please let go of me." She quietly stutters out and I smirk, tightening my grip on her wrist.

"She said let go." Reap warns me.

I finally feel my last bit of sanity leave when I notice how Buck wasn't even doing or saying anything. I pull the girl forward and turn her around, her back pressed against my chest, the knife now against her neck. "See what you did Buck? This could've been held off, but no, you had to stab me in the back! She was your mom too! How can you not be enraged by having to train, live, and sleep around the girl who murdered our mom!" I yell at my brother. "Do you not remember all the times dad would tell us how it was a girl named C.C.P. who had blown up the building that mom was in because she didn't want to listen to what her officer had to say. This little rag of a girl is the reason our mom is dead and now I want her dead! She blew up mom up on hers and mine birthday, so I could've waited till then, but since you decided to blow my cover, I guess it has to happen early."

*Reap's P.O.V.*

While listening to Axel's long rant about how C.C.P. , not Lily, had murdered his mom on their birthday, I had quietly walked behind the two of them and Carter was in front. We had already devised a plan, including Buck, sadly. Buck is distracting Axel, while I sneak behind to pull the knife away from Lily's neck and push her forward, out of Axel's reach, where Carter will be ready to catch her. I had also texted a few other "friends" I had made in the Killer's core and explained the plan, they are going to run in from the shadows and help my hold down the real killer until somebody can get here to do something about him. I has also managed to get ahold of some people with drugs to knock him out then take him away. Now that I think about it, I got a lot done in a short amount of time.

"Axel, don't do this, what dad told you is not the true story. He is on his way, please, just put the knife down." Buck replies to his insane brother.

"No, I don't believe you! You are a backstabber!" Axel yells back as I creep up slowly behind him. Once I was close enough, I reach in front and pull the knife, by the blade, away from Lily's neck and push her forward with my other hand. "What?!" Axel yells as I pull the now bloody knife away from his hands, my friends running out and holding him down to the floor.

Buck and Axel's dad walks in the door with the authorities I had texted. A big man dressed in all white walked over to us with their dad. "Anything y'all wanna say before I knock him out?" The white dressed man asks in a southern accent.

"Dad? What really happened to mom? Buck said you lied to me." Axel whispers out, silent tears falling down his face.

"I did. The one who killed mom was me. I forced her to become pregnant with you and she died at birth. I just needed someone to blame, so I made up some story. I didn't think you would take it this seriously. I am sorry C.C.P. I should not have put you in this kind of position. I should have just let him be mad at me for the rest of his life. Axel, what I did was not ok, but neither is this, so these people are going to inject you with a drug that will knock you out and you will be sent to therapy." Their dad said and all i did was bury my face in Lily's neck as I hugged her.

"You...You...Murderer!!!!!" Axel yelled out before the big man injected him, sending him into a deep sleep and taking him out of the building.

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