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*Lily's POV*

"What kind of reasons?" I ask Buck.

"The kind that are none of your business." He replies harshly.

"Um..ok?" Axel says seeming as confused as I am.

"We should go to bed, we need plenty of rest for tomorrows training." Reap says sternly. We all awkwardly walk back into the dorms and go to bed.

*Lily's dream*

"No! Please stop!" I beg to my mom.

"Shut up you pathetic little piece of crap!!" She yells, slapping me across the face. Tears begin to form in my eyes and my twin sister, Emily, walks into the room.

"Emily, run, run away!!" I yell a warning her that mother was dangerous.

"What's going on mom?" She asks, facing my mom as tears start falling from her own eyes.

"Something you shouldn't have seen." Mom states coldly while pulling a gun from her pants and pointing it at her. "You should've stayed in your room." She then pulled the trigger and I watch my now dead twin fall to the floor.

"NO!" I choke out between sobs.

*dream over*

I wake up in a jolt, covered in sweat, tears falling down my face. "It's 3 in the morning." I whisper, annoyed that I only got a few hours of sleep. I hop off my bed and grab a pair of blue air force camo pants and a black sports bra. After getting into the shower and changing, I pull on my boots and put on my mask. I grab my bag and walk outside to the field, enjoying the peace and quiet.

Once I got to the training field, I set down my bag and start training. First I run 4 miles, then I do 50 push ups, 50 sit ups, 50 pull ups, and finally 100 jumping jacks. I then go over to the obstacle course and run it 10 or 12 times before my hand started bleeding. It was now 5:30, the core would be out here in 15 minutes. I sat down on the sidewalk and gulped down some water before bandaging my hands and pulling out my sketchbook and start drawing a picture of me, my dad, and Chase all standing happily in front of our old house before my dad had left for Ireland. I then hear the sound of loud hurried footsteps. I look up and see Reap was now standing in front of me, sweat dripping down his face. "C.C.P. Where have you been?! I was worried sick!! I had thought you ran away!" He yells out.

"No, I have been here all morning. I come when I need to escape from the world." I answer and he sits next to me.

"What happened to your hands?" He asks, taking my hands into his own.

"Nothing." I respond coldly, "Let captain know that I am having a day."

"What? Why?" He says confused.

"It's not your business, just tell him." I answer.

"Ok?" He answers. I nod my head and put my stuff up before walking off. 

I walk into the same forest where I found Brownie. As soon as I had taken a few steps into the forest, Brownie runs up and starts playing with me. "I missed you too."  I smile at the big brown bear.

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