And Their

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For someone guarding a 'flight' risk, Junichirou seemed awfully carefree. Or at least, the red head seemed to be a bit more interested in holding off the abundant affections of his wife while in public than worrying over Harry. Harry grimaced as he watched Naomi go after Junichirou.

Couldn't they leave that behind closed doors? Harry didn't want to see that!

Maybe he could make a run for it? Junichirou didn't seem like he was paying attention...

"The only reason you aren't in the hands of the military police's hands right now, is because you have somehow attracted the good graces of my partner and superior. Should you do anything to contradict their positive outlooks on your personality and potential, you will be re-captured and promptly executed or handed over to be executed and disposed of."


Or maybe not. Harry knew he would eventually need to get away from the Agency to find his godfather. But surely, having a good foolproof plan wouldn't hurt?

If Harry was caught, even once, trying to escape, he would be executed. If Harry ever wanted to find his godfather, he needed to buckle down, put his thinking-cap on, and get it right the first time. Right now, the agency was most likely ready and waiting for an escape attempt. Harry would most likely end up caught before he even left this city if he ran for it now.

Better to wait and plan. While he waited for the agency's guard to drop, Harry would be observing them for weaknesses. Once he knew their weaknesses he could-

"We're here."

Harry blinked and looked up. The trio agency agents had been led to the mouth of a rather ominous looking alley. Within it, their blonde client stuck an oddly imposing figure. Somehow, her previously blank countenance had cracked away to reveal something slightly glacial and unforgiving. The Tanizaki couple beside him stilled in surprise. They too, it seemed, could feel their client's marginal change in attitude.

"This way." The blonde woman called from the back of the alley. Harry blinked as he realized that the alley took a left turn. It seemed they would need to go a good way into the oddly ominous alley. Harry sniffed.

Gross, street muck and worse street muck. Whichever gangs used the alley must truly have no sense of smell! Harry mentally grumbled to himself about the smell as he followed Junichirou forward. As the trio were rounding the corner, Harry caught the scent of something strange. The alley smelled like what a normal alley would smell like; putrid, unwashed and decaying things of various species or life status. However, as he passed by the client, Harry caught a completely different scent, and it wasn't perfume.

Oil. Charcoal. Something sharp and sour; sulfur maybe? Harry frowned and glanced at the woman from the corner of his eyes.

Wasn't she supposed to be an office worker? Why did she smell like a mix of muggle mechanic and an alchemist?

"That's strange." Harry blinked and turned back to Junichirou. The red head had halted partway down to the dead-end of the alley. "Is this really the right place?" Junichirou asked in confusion.

"Um..." Junichirou turned back to their client and seemed unsure of how to approach her. Harry blinked as he realized they had never gotten the woman's name. How odd... and concerning. Wasn't there paperwork or some form of identification the woman had to fill out before hiring supernatural detectives?

"You may call me Higuchi." The client offered. Harry frowned further as he noticed her choice of wording. Higuchi hadn't stated that it was her name; only that they could call her that. Something... wasn't right here. The hairs on the back of Harry's neck stood on end.

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