But I Don't Say Anything Meaningful.

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Some time later...

"Huh, so the worst-case scenario didn't happen today." Kunikida murmured as he snapped his book of ideals shut. The man peered out the window before going to clean up his desk.

"Worst case scenario?" Harry parroted in confusion. He stood over by the filing cabinets, working on some back work Dazai had been too lazy to put away. About the office, the other senior members of the Armed Detective Agency meandered about as they either finished their work for the day or tried to act busy while waiting for the clock to strike five (Dazai).

"Fufufu..." The doctor, Akiko Yosano, chuckled as she saved her document and booted down her desktop. "Its Kunikida's turn to go around the neighborhood apologizing after a raid. He also doesn't like how it throws our business expenditures out of budget." She snickered.

"Um... a raid? Like an attack?" Hari questioned tentatively as he furrowed his eyebrows together. They were a detective agency. Surely events like earlier today didn't normally happen...

"Mmmhmmm," Dazai hummed happily as he sidled over. "Every once in a while, the Port Mafia likes to make fools of themselves by sending their Black Lizard Group to us. Its rather fun and refreshing." Harry blinked in confusion. An attack on the agency was fun?

"Speak for yourself! Every time they raid we have to replace the windows, the dry wall, paint it, acquire new computers, either fix or buy new furniture! Not to mention it totally massacres that day's schedule! Raid are the definition of absolute waste!" Kunikida belted out furiously. One of Harry's white eyebrows rose in incredulity at Kunikida. The man seemed entirely unconcerned that people randomly tried to kill him, rather, the man was only worried about how it would affect his schedule and business plans.

"Really? But... I kinda thought they were like stress relief or a nice fun exercise!" Kenji Miyazawa said thoughtfully. Harry blanched at the cheerful tone. He had known the Detective agency was capable of supernatural violence... but really? This was pushing it too far!

"I agree with Kenji. It is a good workout and it keeps a lady on her toes. Also, watching you freak out over something so insignificant is amusing." Akiko practically purred with a devious grin. Kunikida groaned and put a hand to his face in disbelief. With his cat hearing, Harry could catch a few mumbled words like 'can't believe' and 'working with such improper'. A wry smile snuck onto Harry's face despite his incredulity, as he observed the agents bantering with one another. It somewhat reminded him of the easy comradery Hermione, Ron, and he had shared. It was obvious that these people weren't just good co-workers, they were good friends as well. Still... could they be a little less casual about being attacked regularly? Their tones made it sound as though they were just children dealing with a slightly unusual chore.

"Well, in any case," Kunikida turned back to the room at large. "The work day is over and its time to head home." The blonde announced with a gesture at the clock. Indeed, the digital device proudly stated that it was exactly two minutes after five. Harry breathed a silent sigh of relief. Finally, he could get a break from the crazy people!

"Oooh! Good! I can't wait to go home to write my letter to Ma and Pa!" Kenji crowed happily as he hopped off his chair and stretched.

"Oh, it is Wednesday, isn't it? Have you gotten a letter back yet from last week?" Akiko asked thoughtfully as she gathered her purse and sun glasses. Her delicate hands carefully unfolded her coat before draping it across her form. Harry frowned at her. Wasn't it still pretty warm out? Maybe it was a girl thing?

"Mmhmm! Bessy's doing great thanks to the medicine you sent. She's even back to producing milk!" Kenji grinned cheerfully. Harry blinked and tilted his head to the side in confusion before taking another look at Kenji's overalls and straw hat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2018 ⏰

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