I Have To

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The sunlight felt good on Harry's skin. For a moment he just wanted to stand and purr. Even better would be going down to the river for a swim and cat nap... Ah... a nap in the warm sun...

"Hellooo! Anyone home?" Harry blinked a jerked his head back slightly as a thin hand waved in front of his eyes. He glanced up at Dazai in slight confusion as he was brought back to the present.

"Ah! Sorry! I got distracted for a moment!" Harry blurted in embarrassment. He could feel his cheeks heating up with color. Dazai's amused expression didn't help either. The man stood a few feet before Harry. He held his phone in one hand while the other remained lazily in his pocket. Dazai seemed to have been texting one-handedly. The detective chuckled at Harry before promptly reprimanding him.

"You shouldn't be so easily distracted Hari-Kun. After all, we are currently on the way to meet the guarantor for your future job! You should be alert and make a good impression." Dazai coached Harry gleefully.

"The guarantor?" Harry questioned nervously. He'd never been to a job interview before. What would he say? What should he do? Was what he was wearing okay?

"Yep! Don't worry though, I'm sure he won't hate your for almost committing murder." Dazai chirped innocently. Harry flinched and looked away.

"I really am sorry." He murmured softly. Regret and guilt burned at his heart in an uncomfortable imitation of heart burn.

"I know. I just want to make sure you keep in mind your situation when applying for the job." Dazai murmured somewhat threateningly. Harry turned timidly back and was rewarded with the sight of the detective peering at Harry from the corner of his eye. Harry grit his teeth.

"What's the job?" The Were-Tiger asked. Dazai turned to him and grinned. He transitioned from passive aggressive to happy and playful in a matter of seconds. Harry felt taken aback by the swift change.

"I'm not spoiling the fun. However, you should prepare yourself. This boss likes to test his future employees quite vigorously." The detective mischievously informed Harry. Harry gulped.

"A test?" He asked worriedly. Harry hadn't been to school since before Hogwarts. All he knew were the basic skills of a ten-year-old. His writing had improved at Hogwarts, but Harry hadn't practiced more than basic math skills in ages.

"Hari-kun, do you know how to read and write?" Dazai asked curiously.

"Y-yeah, I know how." Harry answered nervously. Just so long as they didn't put his math skills on trial, Harry might be able to 'pass' this test.

"Then you have a chance of being fine... maybe. I suppose it all depends on you, little thief." Dazai taunted. Harry once more grit is teeth and told himself to endure. Dazai deserved to have a little vengeance. The detective had just seen Harry gut his partner the night before. It would have been weird if the man had just taken to Harry like a fish to water. The fact that Dazai was still ensuring that Harry got a job, despite his very obvious and pointed dislike of Harry, was very kind and likely rather difficult for the man.

"Thank you." Harry muttered quietly.

"Eh?" Dazai looked over at Harry in surprise.

"Thank you for helping me find a job. I know it's probably difficult for you to do. I hurt your partner last night, so I know you must be angry." Harry shuffled his feet and looked at the ground. He had never been very good at expressing himself when on the topic of emotions. Harry blinked when he felt a hand ruffling through his hair. He looked up to see Dazai looking at him with an actually positive expression. In fact, if Harry wasn't absolutely sure Dazai hated him for gutting Kunikida, he would have said the expression was somewhat... fond.

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