Work at a Very Dangerous Job.

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Harry followed the other two detectives to the fourth floor of the building. Inside his chest, Harry's heart beat like a war drum. Nervous sweat had broken out upon the young wizard's brow and Harry could feel a deep pit of dread pooling in his stomach.

Finally, the detectives and Harry approached a red wooden door with a golden plaque.

Armed Detective Agency

Harry grimaced at the blatant announcement of where the agency resided. Certainly, this Agency was no covert operation that needed to hide from public or government eye, but surely a bit of subtlety wouldn't go amiss. Harry wondered if they were attacked often.

"Are you ready, Harry?" Dazai asked as the trio approached the door. Harry nodded but didn't trust himself to speak. Already, the wizard could feel his adrenaline spiking as his body fell into what Harry had begun to dub as his 'battle mode'. His heart beat, though still faster than normal, evened out. Harry's mind calmed as he focused on his single objective. His hearing and sight gained a temporary heightening as his magic began to circulate his body. The warmth of his magic was a comfort as Harry followed Dazai into the office. Kunikida brought up the rear as the three took shelter behind a wooden desk.

"I can't..." Harry peeked over the desk at the bomber. His fear evaporated. Instead, dislike took its place. These were the kind of circumstances Harry really hated.

"I can't take it anymore..." The bomber covered his face with one hand while the other held what Harry assumed to be the remote for the bomb. Harry grimaced.

A kid. The bomber was just some punk kid and the girl he had taken hostage was still wearing her school uniform.

Damn it!

Harry hadn't wanted to hurt anymore children. Not after Voldemort was dead.

"It's all your fault..." The bomber continued to mumble to himself. "The Armed Detective Agency's fault." Harry shot a look over at Dazai. Harry understood that they needed help, but that didn't mean he enjoyed being pulled into the Agency's mess. If the Agency had done something wrong, they should have cleaned it up long before it came to this.

"Where's the president?" The red-haired punk asked. He finally removed his hand from his face to reveal a disturbed and haunted visage. After receiving no answer, the kid got angry.

"Bring the President!" He roared as he jerked forward in rabid manner. A hand trailed down and grabbed the student hostage by the back of her school uniform's collar. He pulled the dark-haired girl up harshly as he delivered his threat. She whimpered in fear and looked at the bomber out of the corners of her eyes.

"If you don't, I'll blow everyone to kingdom come!" The bomber dropped the girl roughly. She let out a yelp as she hit the floor and curled in on herself in fear.

"A personal grudge?" Dazai mused. "That's inconvenient." Though deeper than normal, Dazai's tone gave off an entirely unconcerned vibe. It was as though the sight of the bomber and his hostage didn't bother or phase the man one bit. The bomber was currently jiggling his leg nervously while holding up the remote. He stared down at the girl with an angry and incredibly nerve racked visage. Harry grimaced again. Trying to talk down a nervous and desperate kid was never fun. He could never tell what was going to set them off.

"The bomber seems pretty furious at the agency," Kunikida commented. Like Dazai, he too seemed un-phased by the scene taking place at the other end of the office. For a moment, Harry was shocked at their attitudes before he shrugged it off. They worked in the country's only legal supernatural agency. They likely saw similar situations often.

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