Tea Time Was

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Apparently, the thing to do after blackmailing someone to work for you was a celebratory lunch at a cafe. As soon as order had been returned to the office, the group of detectives and Naomi had chaperoned Harry down to the cafe on the first floor of the building. Tanizaki and Naomi sat across from Harry in a booth, while Dazai and Kunikida occupied the bar.

Harry glanced around the cafe curiously. The establishment was covered in warm wood while porcelain tea sets speckled the room with bright floral splashes. It was somewhat homey and not at all what one would expect from a place frequented by users of the supernatural. Though, given what he'd seen in the wizarding world... this could be considered downright normal.

"Ano..." Harry blinked and turned his attention to Tanizaki and his 'sister'. The red headed young adult continued. "Sorry about acting so rudely. Even though it was only acting, I apologize for my behavior." Tanizaki bowed his head in what Harry come to realize was a form of respect or in this case apology.

"It's okay. I know you were put up to it." Harry shot a heavy glance over at Dazai and Kunikida. Considering all he'd seen, Harry figured it was Dazai who had pushed for Harry's mandatory employment.

"Ah..." The red head murmured uncomfortably as he too glanced over at the detective. Currently, Kunikida was kicking at Dazai rather angrily.

"A-Anyway, my name is Tanizaki Junichiro. I also work at the agency, though only as a kind of assistant. This is-"

"His little sister, Naomi." Naomi cheerfully announced as she wrapped her arms around Junichiro's neck. Harry frowned.

"No, you're not." Harry said. "You don't even look like you share blood."

"Oh?" Naomi asked deviously. She ran a delicate hand across Junichiro's face. "You doubt us?" Her hand trailed lower. "Of course, we're siblings by blood. We're quite simi-"

"No, you're not. Stop lying. I can smell you and you both have entirely different sets of parents. You may live together and share some of your scent, but your sires and dams are different." Harry interrupted. Normally, he wouldn't be so rude. However, Harry didn't appreciate being lied to so blatantly and he didn't want them to continue such acts while he was in the room. It wasn't decent. Just for good measure, Harry sniffed again. Yup, definitely not related. They were just living together and passing themselves off for siblings.

Naomi looked shocked at Harry's somewhat aggressive attitude. "N-No, we r-really are sib-"

"Stop lying to me. I don't care what you pass yourselves off as. I won't tell. But stop lying to me. I have a problem with people who lie." Harry grit his teeth. Both his cat instincts and his rational mind hated lies. To hear some little girl lie so blatantly to his face, after he had already called her out on it, was really annoying. It made him want to bare his teeth and growl.

"Mmm... well isn't this interesting." Dazai's voice caused all three to jump. Somehow the man had snuck up on them without their notice. Harry yelped and instinctively bared his teeth. Of course, the only thing his reaction did was cause the man to chuckle and muss his hair fondly.

"Hey!" Harry yelped as he swatted Dazai's hand away.

"I didn't know your sense of smell was so efficient, Hari-kun." Though his tone was mirthful, Dazai's eyes showed a keen interest.

"You didn't ask!" Harry grumbled. He folded his arms petulantly. Yes, he was a (technically) criminal with magic. However, that did not entitle other people to knowing every little thing about him! Jeez! He'd only known these people for about twenty-four hours anyway. Why should he trust them with anything they could use later? Yeah, being able to smell about as well as a Bengal tiger was useful, but it could also be dangerous. If somebody wanted to knock him out or impair his judgement, all they would have to do would be to spray him with some mid-range cleaning supplies.

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