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Harry landed with a hefty grunt. Looking around, Harry breathed a sigh of relief when there was no one in the vicinity. In front of him, the river continued to drift along lazily as it ran under the concrete bridge. With a pained grimace, Harry gingerly made his way underneath the bridge. He sat on a large stone and breathed a sigh of relief. His feet burned, and Harry really didn't want to look at them.

Instead, Harry reached between two smaller stones and pulled out his beloved wand. The holly wood was a little worn from the journey, but Harry still felt his heart warm at the sight of it. This was the only thing he'd been able to keep from his home. It was also one of the only things Harry could depend on to keep him alive. Sure, it could probably use a trip to a wand shop for some professional upkeep, but its power and potential still weighed heavily on his palm. Harry pulled the fragile weapon close in a mimicry of embrace. He could literally feel his magic hum at the proximity of his magical focus.

Wand retrieved, Harry heaved himself to his feet with a wheeze of pain. Judging by the night sky, Harry didn't have long if he wanted to lock himself up for Moonrise. Harry planned to use a warehouse a little while away from the residential portion of the city. At night, the warehouse would be empty, and Harry planned on being long gone by morning.

Harry began to trudge forward. His awkward limp was painful and left droplets of blood behind him.


Dazai had turned the corner moments after Hari. To his shock and surprise, there was nothing hiding behind it. Instead of finding the light toned ragamuffin, Dazai was left staring into a dead end. Kunikida was only moments behind and he too thudded to a stop at the empty alley.

"Where'd the brat go?" The blonde-haired man asked. "It's a dead end."

"Indeed, it is, Kunikida-kun." Dazai frowned thoughtfully. "I am beginning to think that there is more to our little street rat than meets the eye." Kunikida looked over and stiffened slightly.

"You mean you think-"

"I think it's too early to make conclusions yet, but I do believe there is something going on here that we don't know. Thankfully, I'm also pretty sure of where he'll head now."

"Where? We've lost the trail." Kunikida stated flatly.

"Not entirely. He left something of importance over by the river. He'll have to return there to retrieve it."

"What did he leave? I didn't see any bags lying around."

"I'm not sure. Whatever it was, he hid it in the rocks under the bridge. The boy kept glancing at it as we were leaving." Dazai explained.

"Then we need to hurry if we want to catch up before he skips out on the city. He's knows that he's being pursued now. The brat will do everything in his power to get out of this city. Should that happen, he and any information he carries, will be out of our reach."

"Then, I suppose," Dazai began with a grin. "We'll just have to find him first." And with that statement, Dazai shot off in the direction of the bridge. It took Kunikida a moment to reconcile the empty place in front of him before he too, bolted off.

"Wait up, dammit!" He shouted.

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