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Midair, Harry finally felt the contradictorily soothing moonlight hit his skin. It felt like water in the desert. The moon magic surged over his body like ice. Wisps of blue and azure light spun in tight circles around his body as it began to glow. His body burned a bright, blinding white as Harry felt the magic begin to take effect. His hands and feet curled and Harry grinned as he felt claws form at the tips of each newly formed pad. Harry's arms tripled in weight and muscle mass. Silvery-white fur appeared to cover the appendages. Whiskers grew onto a decidedly feline face while black stripes branded themselves around his body. A long, striped tail waved behind him as his front paws touched the ground. By the time his back legs had also landed, Harry's form was no longer human.

Instead, a massive, white Bengal tiger stood where Harry should have been. Delicate whiskers quivered as the tiger opened its fearsome maw and roared its anger into the world.

Harry closed his mouth slowly. In front of him, Dazai's eyes had widened. Kunikida retreated a few paces in shock and raised his taser defensively.

"Ah... I suppose accusing you of traveling with a criminal wasn't quite correct. Rather, it seems I should have accused you of being a criminal. But really, you put on such an innocent facade. Who would have guessed?" Dazai asked. For once his expression held no trace of its normal carefree levity. Rather, he had taken his hands from his pockets and held them out beside him, as if ready to grab Harry and wrangle him down barehanded. Harry's form simmered with angry magic in response. His instincts screamed in fury at his disrespect and his accusation.

How dare he?! How dare Dazai assume anything about Harry! These last few months had been so hard! Leaving home, waking up different and terrified of himself in a new world? Having nowhere to go and no food to eat for months! Being terrified of losing the one person left of his family?!

How dare Dazai judge him!

Harry bared his fangs in a fierce snarl of incandescent rage before he let out another earth shattering roar. The sound echoed thunderously off the warehouse walls and in its absence Harry allowed himself a moment think and plan.

Though Dazai held no weapon, Harry did not doubt he was the more dangerous one. Dazai was a member of the armed detective agency after all. Judging by his open arms, his supernatural ability was likely one that required physical contact. So long as Harry didn't touch him, he wouldn't be able to activate his power. Harry glanced at Kunikida out of the corner of his eye.

Making a snap decision, Harry crouched and leapt forward. His front paws touched the ground before his back legs propelled him forward once more as he charged Dazai. The detective's eyes widened, and he slid his left foot back as if to brace himself. Harry watched him ready himself as he bounded forward. A moment from advancing within grabbing range, Harry changed direction in a ninety-degree turn. Instead of running headlong into Dazai, he raced to the opening beside Kunikida.

The older man looked startled and Harry couldn't help but feel triumph bloom inside his torso. There was no way Kunikida would react in ti-


Harry yowled in pain and fury as harsh electricity streaked through him for a few moments. Primal instinct surged beneath his skin and Harry instinctively swiped at his attacker. Something soft and squishy shredded beneath his razor-sharp claws and Harry's paw was stained vibrant crimson. For a moment time seemed to stand still as Harry's slit pupils took in the spray of crimson life. Kunikida's body remained frozen before tilting back and landing in a thud of displaced air. The man's eyes were unfocused. It was a sharp contrast to his usual clarity. Now, they weren't likely to ever refocus.

Then time started again, and Harry flinched in horror at the gurgle of pain Kunikida gave. His empty hands rose shakily to feel the deep, bloody laceration that stretched from shoulder to hip. Horror and shock continued to buss through Harry's system as the man breathed another painful breath.

No! No! I didn't mean it! Get back up!

Harry stumbled back on bloody paws. He hadn't- hadn't meant to... Harry shook as the full gravity of his actions hit him. No!

Oh no! Oh no Oh nononononononono!

Harry had tried so bloody hard to avoid hurting anyone dammit!

Harry let out a sound of raw agony as he stared at the fatally injured detective. His lungs expanded and emptied of air in a quick vicious cycle. Harry keened in abject sorrow and guilt as he lowered his ferocious body to the ground. He buried his head in his paws as his body began to shake with guilt.

I'm sorry!

I didn't mean it.

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