two little salt packs

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I'm not sure what exactly I'm supposed to be looking for. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. The only odd news stories I see are the ones that deal with the students from my school, which Sam and Dean already know about. I have checked just about everything, so I text Dean off of the number he gave me.

Me: Hey Dean, it's Eddie. I haven't found anything.

He responds in a few seconds.

Dean: Did you check the sports?

I roll my eyes.

Me: Yes, I did, after I checked everything else, but only to see how the UW basketball team is doing.

Dean: How are they doing?

Me: Good, like always, so not out of the ordinary.

Dean: What about the weather?

Me: WTF will the weather have to do with it

Dean: A lot, actually. Check it.

Oh my goodness, this is stupid. I could probably be doing something more productive right now to help them, but no. Dean has me checking the weather. I go to the weather channel and look up local weather, and click on the radar. "Oh wow, look, it's going to rain." I roll my eyes, then notice a weather warning flash against the screen. "Severe thunderstorm warning in your area. Take cover and stay tuned for updates. Hail and tornadoes may develop."

I pull out my phone to text Dean again.

Me: Weather channel says severe t-storm warning. Hail and tornadoes possible.

I'm not sure how all of this bad weather is coming, because Dean and I were just outside, and the skies were clear as day. I spin around in the chair, and notice black clouds on the western horizon. "Oh boy. I guess that could be peculiar."

Dean: Damn. That's what we're looking for. Is there salt packets anywhere in the room?

"Salt packets? What the hell ..." I wonder what salt could possibly do as I stand to look for them. I find two small salt packets in with some other things like creamer and sugar for the coffee machine.

Me: 2 small packs. Why?

Dean: Dump them out in a line in front of the door

Me: Why?

Dean: Dammit just do it Eddie

Me: Ok fine

I roll my eyes as I stand up, dumping the packs in a straight line in front of the door. I then sit back down on one of the beds and turn on the TV, watching the severely confused meteorologist try and explain the very random and quick formation of this large storm system. It starts thundering outside, and I see flashes of lightning through the window as the sky darkens. Soon, I hear the splashes of large raindrops hit the window, and look at the salt line in front of the door.

"In what strange universe do two little salt packs protect me against a thunderstorm?" I mutter, keeping my phone next to me in case there is anything more from Dean.

The door suddenly bursts open, and I see Dean run in, drenched in the rain. He kicks his wet shoes off and dodges the line of salt, then pulls  two large containers of salt out of his backpack and throws one to me. 

"Start lining the windowsills and walls." He says, then proceeds to do exactly that.

I frown as I also do that. "Dean, what the Hell does this have to do with anything?"

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