Chapter twenty six

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So guys it's been a few days since my last update,  I just wanna finish this book now because it's not any good, it's terrible in comparison to other books :) oh well, I didn't want to delete it because I thought you guys wouldn't like that plus the book is nearly done. I'm really sorry the book is so boring and literally one of my friends laughed when she read it :/ thank you for the votes and comments even though it doesn't really deserve it :) thank you.. please tell me what's wrong with it because I feel like it's just a mess.. I feel like every chapter I write is just horrendous. Sorry about this chapter in advance.

Liam's p.o.v

When I woke up he was gone. I felt a little disappointed when I found the sheets around me cold with just the faintest hint of his cologne, apart from that I wouldn't have thought he actually had been in my room. I let my hand caress the pillow he had slept on, trying to memorize the way he looked yesterday when he asked me to marry him, he was just sad, didn't really mean it.

"Liam?" a voice startled me as I looked up from the heartwarming images that had been inked into my mind. I didn't allow my eyes to follow the voice yet because the tone was too raspy, not Zayn.

"Liam, you've been asleep for ages um we have to go" Harry stood by the door with his head lowered, his usually bouncy curls were droopy almost like all the life had been drained out of them. I tried to rub the sleepy smile off my face, the dopey yet comforting warmth kept me a little confused.

"Okay Harry, are we going home?" I asked him while stretching my back a little so that the kink in my back would go away. Harry's eyes were rimmed with red as he tugged on his hair with a clenched fist. He looked really upset and at that moment I couldn't even think about why he would be sad, who could be sad this early in the morning? Harry strode into my room until he was sitting on my bed where Zayn had been last night, I almost wanted to throw him off but Zayn would be back. He asked me to marry him, obviously he would come back to me.  

"Liam, he went to the stag night, we have to go now" Harry wiped at his eyes as he took in a deep breath. The stupid cloud of drowsiness left me a little slow and I couldn't help but give him a confused look.

"What? Harry you're not making sense"

"Do I have to spell it out for you Liam? Zayn has to get married to Perrie tomorrow so he is at his stag night, we have to join him" Harry shook his head exasperated but once he saw the horrified look on my face his lower lip trembled as he hid his face into the pillow Zayn had slept on. The same Zayn who asked me to marry him yesterday. The drowsy spell subsided and I felt my heart lurch as I tried to wrap my head around what he was saying and then I realised it. Zayn's not going to marry me, is he? I'm not going to be allowed any where near him, yesterday meant nothing. 

"You're wrong Harry, stop lying! Zayn isn't marrying her" I shouted at him while jumping out of my bed while throwing the comforter onto the ground but then I felt bad because Zayn had slept on that comforter so I put it back on the bed.

"Liam?" I turned around at the call of my name to see Harry holding onto the comforter with his fists clenched as tears spurted down his cheeks , he hugged the comforter to his chest as he bowed his head.

"Liam I want you and Zayn to be happy, why are you not allowed to  be together? I want you to- I want Zayn to smile,  I never see him smile now and you. I want you to have that stupid goofy look on your face when you're showing us dumb stuff but Zayn will always find it so damn interesting"  Harry wept into his fist and I couldn't help but collapse next to him and just mourn the love that was never meant to be, a love that just won't happen.

"Why didn't you tell them?" Harry pulled me closer to him, I felt ny shoulders shudder but I could feel no tears, no more tears can be shed.


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