Chapter ten

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Thanks for everyone reading Thai book, hopefully you've liked it so far? Tell me in the comments section what you think.... xxx.



I walked out of my bathroom with my towel wrapped securely around my waist and my hair sticking to my wet akin. I grabbed a comb and quickly brushed my hair into a usual messy style when a cough startled me and I felt my heart jump in my rib cage. I turned quickly and was met with caramel eyes which were .twinkling making his eyes seem like melted gold.

"Well well Mr Payne, nice to see you looking so refreshed" Zayn chuckled while gesturing to my towered body. I grinned and looked at the floor sheepishly as a blush heated my cheeks. Why was he here? Urgh never mind I'll just pretend like his eyes aren't making little bullets pierce my akin when he looks at me. Why would he look at me anyway? He's stunning in every single way, even if he felt anything at all for me I'm just so ordinary compared to him.

"Thanks Zayn now go away I need to wear my clothes, I'd let you watch but you'll just get jealous as per usual"  I joked with him while grabbing my Calvin Klein boxers. Zayn gave me a thoughtful look and then smirked at me and pointed to my abs.

"I've been working out you know, my six pack is so much better than yours anyway so I'm defiantly not jealous of you. Have you not seen how good I look?" he teased me back.

I smiled and nodded in his direction again I couldn't argue with him he was just too beautiful, I couldn't even compare. "Yeah yeah you're perfect now go away"  I said it in a light tone because as soon as I said it Zayn looked guilty.

"I didn't mean it like that Liam I was just messing around with you, I'm bony I haven't even got a six pack" Zayn rushed to tell me with his beautiful eyes widened.

"Zayn I know, you're just joking mate it's fine plus don't lie  you do have a six pack not as impressive as mine though" I reminded him while poking his rippled abdomen. His muscled strained against his shirt and I felt my hand tingle when I touched him.

"Aw Liam, that's cute... if only I wasn't getting married you'd be on my to do list" Zayn chuckled while his face grew in amusement at his words and my reaction towards it.

I felt my mouth dry, my lower lip began to tremble and an involuntary shudder crept into my spine. Had he just said that? oh wow.. Act cool Liam he's just joking around with you, don't take it seriously I told my self.

"Mate you all right? You zoned out on me again... come on Liam talk" Zayn was closer to me now, his chest mere inches away from mine. I looked up from the ground and was immediately mesmerized by his eyes, they were so hypnotic. Damn why did his eyelashes have to curl up like that?

"I'm fine mate, and why are you here not that I mind you checking me out but you know, get lost" I smiled while moving him from his hips to my door with my fingers digging into his clothes, I just can't get enough of him.  

"Aw you're kicking me out now? nice friend you are Liam.Allright I'll go get lost" Zayn pouted, his lower lip jutting out from underneath his upper lip, he looked so enchanting.

I hugged him tight and felt him shiver in my arms , but it's probably just a confidence, him feeling cold or something. His arms snaked around my waist and held me firmly against his muscled chest. I was enjoying holding onto him too much that I didn't notice that my face was buried in his shoulder and I was breathing in his wonderful scent, he always smelt good.  

"Liam I'm getting wet" Zayn said in my ear, I shuddered in response to him. That was something I had never expected him to say to me. I hugged him tighter and moved away to ask him what he meant and I was gonna tell him how I felt. He had made two comments today around mee this was obviously some sort of sign that I should tell him what I feel for him even if my judgment's clouded.  I opened my mouth to confess to him all the lingering ideas I had concerning him, how I felt my heart twist whenever I saw him, how my lungs hurt me when he was nearby. I didn't yet understand these feelings but I really wanted it to work out.  

"Zayn I-" I started but he gestured to his top which had wet patches on it. I looked back into his eyes and felt the confusion in his eyes, suit back up Liam. I smiled forcefully and pointed my shaking finger at his torso.

"Sorry I shouldn't have wet you, I forgot I just came out of the shower, sorry mate" I told him with my other hand fisted by my side. The ache to touch him was overwhelming, I just wanted to make the confused look on his face fade away. I wanted to tell him that it didn't matter if he was lost because I was lost too and I wanted to find my way home with him by my side. Of course I didn't say that I just nodded to the door and turned to get dressed.

After a few seconds I heard the door shut and I  tuned to stare at where he had been before. I stood where he had been and memorized the feel of his arms around me as I slid down the door and put my head in my hands. When had things become so difficult? When had it changed? When had I developed these feelings for my bandmate, my best friend?


I shivered as I ran into my room with my shirt plastered onto my skin. I didn't want to remove the shirt because Liam had been imprinted onto it. His eyes were nearly my undoing, I was so close to holding his head and bringing his plump lips to mine and telling him everything I felt inside me that was causing an inward torment inside.

Niall burst into my room with a smirk on his face, as soon as he saw me his smile faltered and he gestured to my sodden shirt with his eyebrows raised. 

"How comes you're wet Zayn? I thought you knew when you shower you have to take your clothes off not shower in them" he laughed at his own joke hysterically. I just waited for him to finish because I wasn't in the mood to stop him smiling, we've all been strained and it was good to hear someone laugh. Even if they were laughing at me.

"Are you done Niall? Cuz I need to change, wait why am I even asking you? You obviously came in here to see for yourself" I teased him and immediately he flushed bright pink. I chuckled at how easy it was to make him blush, why can't it be that easy to make Liam blush? He's always so cool, calm and collected, he makes me seem like a nervous wreck at times.

"You're not funny Zayn, plus how come you're wet?" Nial glared at me but he looked quiet curious.

"Well Niall, Liam just came out of the shower and we hugged, I forgot he was wet and he ended up wetting my shirt too" I told him honestly because I shouldn't lie about something that wasnt meant to cause me so much feelings.

"Sounds fishy  Zayn, are you sure it wasn't more than that?" Nial grinned with a mischievous look on his face. I tried hard to keep my face emotionless but inside my body was rocketing, I wanted to tell him but if I didn't even understand myself how can I expect Niall to understand?

"Niall mate I'm getting married soon, plus Liam is my bandmate, my beat friend I wouldn't think of him any other way" I said with as much conviction as I could muster. Inside I was screaming at myself to atop with these ideas and everyone would get hurt just because I was being selfish.

Niall looked at me with something in his gaze then he shook his head and a smile was on his face making him look so adorably cute and innocent.

"Of course Zayn's right Niall, why were you thinking of anything else?" a silky voice echoed behind me and instantly I felt goose bumps form across my body. I bit my lip slowly as I turned to face Liam who was standing at the doorway looking as delicious as ever with his jeans and long sleeved adidas shirt clutching his muscular frame. I tried to keep my cool and nodded to him while jerking  the  wet shirt off my body and throwing it an Niall's head as I turned to my cupboard to retrieve a new shirt as well as to hide my now steaming face.

"Come on guys we gotta go hey ready for the interview at the radio station" Liam instituted while picking up my shirt and putting it with the rest of my dirty washing. Geez he really was daddy direction. I thew my new shirt over my head, careful of my hair getting ruined and turned to a  retreating Niall who was nearly outside my door and a gawking Liam. I passed by him but was caught when he gripped my wrist, I turned back to face him with a questioning look but he just smiled tugged my shirt further down and led me down stairs. I wonder what that was all about?


hope you guys liked that... please comment and thanks for reading... xx

watch out for the next chapter :) hope you'll like it :D

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