Chapter nine

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Hey guys... I have to say I enjoyed writing this chapter... in sorry if the remake version of WMYB sounds terrible it wasn't meant to. Tell me what you think... love you-- xx


I can't hurt him, I need him in my life please just let me have him... the words echoed around my head as I watched zayn sing, his angelic voice caused trembles to cascade down my back and a swarm of butterflies to dance around in my stomach. How can a guy look dangerously sexy but have a voice that was beyond perfection and innocence?  I needed to touch him to make sure he was real and that I had him in my life for real not just a stupid dream, if this was a dream though I didn't want to wake up. Having those golden syrup eyes made me melt and that pouty pink mouth begged for attention. I was too distracted to notice people were gesturing to me to sing, I forgot the song as my solo was soon here and I needed to get that part right instead of messing up the whole song.

"Zayn, what's the song? I completely zoned out"(more like zayned out) I whispered into his ear hoping that he wouldn't be annoyed at me for missing my part.

Zayn chuckled and nodded in my direction, this left our cheeks touching and his black as soot eye lashes tickled down my cheek when his eye lids fluttered down. I felt my heart beat escalate and a hitch in my breath but as I looked over at Zayn he looked perfectly fine, totally unaware that I was neatly having a heart attack because of him.

"I wish, Liam, we're singing I wish" Zayn reminded me as the beat changed and I remembered what I had to sing, half way throughout Zayn bent over to retrieve his bottle of water and I felt my throat dry up. I couldn't form the words even if I tried I just kept stuttering. The boys looked at me with confusion while some fans at the front eyed me suspiciously. Zayn's booming voice finished it off for me with a splendid high note that caused shivers and goose bumps to form on my body.

"So we'll be taking a quick break, be back in a few minutes love you guys" Louis smiled forcefully at the audience and gave me a dark look before turning around and walking off stage with Harry,following him with his eyebrows raised.  I felt a tug on my gut and a pounding headache drilled excruciating holes into the back of my head. I winced in agony but followed the boys off stage, too afraid to talk to any of them  I hung back like a loner because I was afraid of what they would say.

"Liam what's you're probleme? you keep zoning out on us and you've missed half the songs anyway. If there is something up and you're not in the mood then hide it before someone makes rumours about it" Louis instructed with a cold lookw barely meeting my gaze. I nodded and but the inside of my cheek forcing the hurt feelings to go awayw I was a man for God's sake! I have to act tough.

"Let's just leave him alone Lou, remember when you didn't feel in the mood well Liam has a lot going on" the raven haired beauty at my side defended me even though I dint deserve it or him for that matter.

Louis pursed his lips and eyed me carefully while running a hand through his hair. "Liam do tell us if you are in trouble, were brothers and we're in this together" he reminded me with a sad smile etched onto his lip before   hugging me gently. I nodded in surprise at his actions, usually he would sass me around while everyone else joked about me but today he looked beat. As the break was over and we had to go back on stage I felt a shiver of nerves caress my back. I sighed and turned  around to see Zayn giving me a smile and a thumb up gesture.   I decided to sit next to him because right now my heart was tugging me closer to him.

"Liam, come on smile babe, you have me next to you what more could you want?" he joked while sliding an arm around my shoulders. A trail of pleasure followed the path of his arm and caused a burning sensation on where his hand was placed. I smiled and placed my arm around his narrow waist holding him close to me. Just as we were about to sing a scream in the room erupted and the whole arena grew silent as one girl screamed;

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