7: My Imprint

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  • Dedicated to My Tumblr Followers

Blame Nikkie...



I shouldn't have said those words.

I'd admit I was overreacting.

Samantha wasn't going to die, hopefully.

I braced myself. I expected Paul to lunge and me, and the pack to curse me out. But they were silent. They knew it was true, even Paul did.

Your right Paul thought sadly. He lowered his head.

Nonsense Paul we'll catch the bloodsucker, we just need a plan. Leah trying to comfort Paul? What the hell is going on with her?

I'm just trying to be nice Jake.

You’re creeping me out.

She rolled her eyes.

Leah is right, we need a plan. Sam ignored us. We should patrol near Paul's house, and one of us has to stay with her at all times. I guess that is going to be Paul.

Why Paul, why can't it be me. She is my imprint?. I instantly regretted saying that.

Paul glared at me. YOU WHAT?! He snarled and bared his teeth.

I snorted. Letting myself get cocky, I let my guard down. Paul wouldn’t attack me.

Boy was I wrong.

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