Chapter 3

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Chapter 3



I felt my full demon blood taking over my half breed body my eyes went red my hair turn white my nails became longer my full demon birth mark turn red just like my eyes. My full demon wolf was different from my half demon wolf my full demon wolf was black with red eyes and the end of my tail was white. And at the bottom of my feet was white to but I didn't turn to my full demon wolf yet because I always fight in my full demon human form because they say when you are a full demon. You have special powers I didn't find out what my was because I never had a chances to train with any one my father and pack was shock but my brother still wanted to fight me I saw him turn into a weak ass half breed black wolf with black eyes. My father walk slowly my way "my boy what are you" I reply  "I'm a full breed demon you half breed no good ass father or mate" that made him mad "I am your  Alpha and you will listen to me boy" he must have forgotten he gave the alpha role to me early today. I  Laugh at him "you gave alpha role to me and now your son will pay the price now move" I walk  pass my dad pushing him down with Jackson now clear in my path "I always hated you know that, that's why I stole your mate" though are pack mind link I reply "now that's make two of us I hate you, father, your mate and your weak pack little brother now can we get this fight started". He growled in a way of saying yes he ran full force my way running trying to bite my legs that's a rookie move as he went down to bite my legs I grab his neck and threw him against the walk and bit down on his neck and I drop him where he was. I heard my father and my brother mate running to his aid when they made it up to his now bleeding Body they growled at me. Are they stupid or just got a death wish you never growl at an alpha or a got damn Full demon I growled back and said "show your respect you got damn half breed" my old mate Jasmine Stood up and smack me "you will not talk to your ma---". I grab her neck and slam her to the ground "don't Never touch me again you fucking half breed bitch" she started to cry and my father stood and grab my Shoulder and said “my son clam down or will use force". I remove my hand from that bitches neck and Was face to face with my father we where eye to eye "move your fucking hand you half breed or I will move you myself Father". My father mind linked to call the pack fighters and I was now surrounded by my now former pack  Two of them came running my way so I did what any full demon will do.

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