Chapter 50

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Kaiden noticed the silence of the library when he closed his eyes. The only thing he could hear was Milokan's fast breathing. The angel was just excited to understand what werewolves were.

"It's essential that you relax," Corey said after opening an eye to peek at the young angel.

Milokan eventually found a gentle rhythm when Kaiden rubbed his thumb softly against his knuckles. Then, it happened so fast, and his entire body shut down, leaving everyone standing together in a field. Nothing changed inside of them, they simply blinked and the transition was complete. Milokan and Kaiden stepped closer and looked around. It felt very odd. They could see the warm sun and the flowers as they moved in the wind, but they felt nothing against their skin. They felt present, yet distant to the world of the werewolves.

"Panuleon," a small voice said behind them.

Everyone turned to see a boy in his late teens, standing a few metres away from people laying on the grass.

Kaiden's eyes scanned the forest behind them before landing on a familiar face, a warm, welcoming and loving, familiar face.

"Mum?" he breathed in disbelief, blinking to make sure it was her and not his imagination.

The woman with long black hair looked up and shielded her eyes from the sun. Kaiden watched how her confused expression changed quickly as she climbed to her feet.

"Kaiden!" Nothing in the world could stop her from plummeting into him as fast as she could.

Milokan half expected her to fly straight through him, they were only here from mind-links after all, but her body made contact with Kaiden, and he stumbled from the impact.

"I can't believe it! You're here! We made it!" she cried and hugged him like she hasn't seen him in years.

Panuleon and Corey watched with smiles as Kaiden closed his eyes and sunk his face into her shoulder. His hug was loose, but to Meloras it meant everything.

Jeronah stood patiently. He wanted to hug Kaiden too, but he also wanted no broken teeth and a guilty looking son, so he moved to Milokan with a warm smile.

"I was so worried," Kaiden whispered, "I thought Lucifer would find you."

"He did, which is why we are here." Meloras looked up and cupped his face. "We opened a tear because he had found us with no warning. We had no choice."

Kaiden looked deep into her eyes without a single blink. She was tired, but the shine was visible, he could tell she had been anxious and bothered up until this moment.

Panuleon suddenly dropped to one knee with a quiet moan of pain.

"Pan!" Corey breathed and held his chest with panicked eyes. The wide circles of panic darted to Kaiden. "We don't have long; it's too hard for him to hold a mind-link with anyone other than me."

"Mum, you're in the wrong world," Kaiden said and watched the shine disappear. "But you're free from Lucifer, which is all that matters to me."

"What?" Meloras breathed. "How can I be in the wrong world? You're right here!"

"Panuleon is linking us here because he's uh..." Kaiden made eye contact with the boy with dark chocolate eyes standing in silence, observing the situation. He had forgotten his name, but Meloras understood, "he's that guy's guardian angel or something. Mum, you're in the werewolf world, we are in the vampire world."

Meloras wanted to crumble and cry, and plead, and beg that they somehow find a way, but Veronica accidentally left the clamping device in the other world, in the hands of Lucifer. There was nothing they could do. Risking the atmosphere between the worlds again would be far too risky, it weakened with every tear, it could barely hold anymore.

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