Chapter 11

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"Where did the other human go?" Milokan asked and squinted his eyes, trying to look past the throbbing in his head. The light was too bright in the dull room. He couldn't imagine how the sun would feel in his sights.

"Come on. He needs to die too."

"No, I cannot witness that again. Why did you have to kill Sally in such an inhumane way?"

"She deserved it. Just because there's a connection between us doesn't mean I'm altering who I am." Kaiden still avoided his gaze.

"I am not telling you to do that, just be aware of who you are with."

Kaiden rolled his eyes and walked across the door, laying proudly on the ground.


When he exited the room, Milokan furrowed his eyebrows and closed his eyes. He called out to the angel's in his head, trying to communicate with the elder angel who spoke to him before. It was unlikely, but he had to keep going. The silence of the room gave his head the opportunity to swamp him with so many questions, worries and problems. After Kaiden finds who he needs to, will he go back to hell and abandon him on earth?

He didn't know a lot about soulmates and their bonds; he was not sure if this was the first connection between an angel and a demon. It might be different than the others.


He was getting deeper into his thoughts when the angel's whispers said something strange. He tried to follow the voice, but it was hard because it was very withdrawn, almost like it was talking that way on purpose. The thumping in the back of his head made it harder to concentrate.


The angel jumped into the present when he felt a hand on his shoulder. His eyes opened to see the demon's chest in front of him. He looked up and caught his concern before he hid it behind his usual monotone stare.

"What are you doing?" Kaiden questioned. His hand only stayed on him for a couple of seconds; it was all he needed before it looked suspicious that he was struggling. He didn't realise how powerful the affection would be and he didn't discern how quickly he would crave it.

"I am trying to get in touch with the angels." Milokan could smell him when he stood only a foot away. It was surprisingly sweet and fresh for a demon's scent. "They are not listening."

"You're injured, how about you focus on that instead." Kaiden needed him to be focussed until they were out of danger. If Milokan got killed, he would die too.

"I am fine." Milokan walked around him and peered into the corridor. "Let us go this way." Kaiden followed, being trapped within the concrete was too claustrophobic. He began to question whether it was worth his time finding Sally's boss. He watched the angel tug on the door at the bottom and of course, the humans kept it locked.

"I'm going."

Milokan turned with a questioning frown.


"Home. I'm in trouble with Lucifer, and I just can't pretend anymore. I'm not okay with this, neither are you. The best thing for us is to leave and pretend it doesn't exist, maybe the bond will break or whatever, but I can't be around you." He stared at the ground and crossed his arms.

"Wait-" In a blink of an eye, Milokan faced an empty corridor. He ran to the spot where Kaiden previously stood, but the demon was careful not to leave rifts in the air, so Milokan had nothing to follow. The danger was all around him too so he flashed his wings and flew back to where the demon had taken him, somewhere in Wales.

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