Chapter 14

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My housemate Alex has started a blog about tattoos. Here's the link if you want to check it out: it's pretty damn cool!

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

- Sian

"Are you ready to beg now?" Lucifer screeched and whipped Kaidens back once more. The demon was trembling and close to collapsing onto his front. The pain was unbearable, but he was too exhausted to cry out.

"No," He breathed and stared at the ground. It was moving in and out of focus, he was feeling dizzy from the pain.

"Well, there's no more room on your back for this." Chucking the whip to the ground, the Devil moved to Kaiden's front and gripped his chin. "For someone who won't beg, you look pretty beaten."

Occasionally Melora's sobbing could be heard from outside the room. It only encouraged Kaiden's master to torture him with more meaning. His soul catcher didn't satisfy his rules when catching angels. Therefore he had to be punished.

"I have kept your front unscathed because sometimes in life, shadows fall behind you. Right now, the sun is glaring at your back, the shadows are all over your face." He pulled out a flip-knife from his pocket. It was one Kaiden had seen many times. The red leather had been worn where his fingers rested. It was well used but falling apart.

Lucifer clicked the button, and the gleam of the sharp blade hurt Kaiden's eyes. It had evidently been sharpened, and it would not take much force to part his skin.

"Just like your mother, you're too stubborn."

Kaiden felt horrendous. He wanted to be sick, he wanted to cry, and he needed to sleep. His pride stopped him from doing any of those things, the Devil could not see him crumble.

His wary gaze watched the knife edge closer to his chest. His master looked eerily content.

"Any preference to where you'd like my artwork?" He mocked until Kaiden felt the cold blade touch him, just over his heart. "Your face shows just how much agony you are holding back. This is why you are the best. You can take the abuse, and you are true to what you believe in, which is me."

Kaiden avoided his blacked out eyes, not liking his corrupt soul staring him in the face. He has never worshipped his master, he puts up with him because Lucifer is the ruler of his home and he has his mother wrapped around his little finger. Even if they did manage to escape his wrath, other demons would never let them live freely.

Just as the momentum built in the devil's face and Kaiden braced for more pain, A loud knock bellowed against the metal door, distracting them both.

Kaiden released his breath as Lucifer stormed around him and pulled it open. The teen demon heard furious whispering and the gentle sobbing of his mother. His heart deflated, and he collapsed to the ground. She had stayed to listen to his cries of terror and discomfort. No mother should ever witness their child's screams of agony.

His mind was spinning as his cheek rested against the cold concrete floor. His back was stinging, but he was too delirious to really feel it.

"Consider this a warning Kaiden," The devil knew it took a lot for him to be in this state. Killing him was not quite what he wanted. "If you're still here by the time I get back, I'll repeat everything I've just done."

When his footsteps started to disappear, hopeless shuffling grew near. Meloras was desperate to see him and to comfort her exhausted boy.

"Kaiden! Can you hear me!?" Her eyes examined his back. It was infested with deep cuts from the whip. If she didn't take him to one of the hygiene huts, his injuries would surely get infected, and he could not afford that to happen.

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