Chapter 2

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"Kaiden! Where is that damn boy?" the Devil screeched through the manor and down the hallway, his rough voice echoing off the walls.

The Demons in the hallway moved quickly, pressing their backs against the bricks. If they were too slow, they would be shoved against it by Kaiden as he stormed through, needing to get to the Master before he lost his sanity.

Lurking eyes watched the handsome demon, examining him with their lustful thoughts and judging gazes. Kaiden had a higher power invested from the devil, and nobody dared to challenge him out of fear that he would snitch and get them into trouble. He was intimidating, even on a good day, which was rare for him to have.

"KAIDEN!" his master snarled, just as he slipped through the grand door.

"I'm here Master." As always, the Devils eyes attracted Kaiden's gaze. There was something about the way they looked that always interested him. Often, they were like a black hole, sucking everything in, crushing it, killing it. Occasionally, there were fleeting moments and only split-second chances that Kaiden detected his thoughts. When the Devil was quiet, his eyes leaked lucidity, almost like he realised what kind of a creature he had grown to be.

"I have a mission." The Devil stood up; his thin framed body was easier to detect as he moved swiftly down the black marble steps, keeping his eyes on his best soul-catcher. When only a few feet lay between them, Kaiden smelt his rotten odour. Trying not to screw up his nose, he wondered how his mother managed to put up with it every day. "You have to catch an angel of a higher power."

Kaiden very nearly coughed from the smell of his breath. His eyes even watered but only very discretely.

"Of course, tell me more."

The demons detected three types of angels. First, there are low ranked angels. They are usually young, innocent and very delusional to the horrors of the world that they visit. There are a lot of low rated angels in hell, enough to have a chamber dedicated to them. Their cries are the worst, begging to be set free from the utter torture. Kaiden never adventures near it; it makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

Then, there are angels of a higher power. These are usually the ones who train the low ranked angels with jobs in heaven. They guard the gates and manage the souls who are lucky enough to live an eternity of luxury.

Lastly, there are the elder angels. These are very wise and often old angels who have a greater understanding of the world. They can foresee historical events and find influential people to guide and to help. They are presumed to have the whisper of God in their minds, but nobody knows if that is true. They are very good at avoiding the subject and not giving fulfilled answers.

The Devil looked up, hating how Kaiden was taller than him. The demon was much more muscular, and if he were not only eighteen, he would look rather dominant in the Master's presence.

"There is one who allows a low ranked angel to shadow her duties as a guardian angel. She is teaching him how to deal with humans in horrific accidents without raising too much of a distraction. Now, we can't have her saving human lives." The Devil shined a sinister grin, flashing his grim teeth at Kaiden. "The pair have been spotted around England for the past hour. I believe they will be performing their duties all day, so there is no reason why you should return to me empty-handed."

The demon nodded, accepting his orders.

"Understood Master. If possible, would you like me to catch the low ranked angel too?"

"Surprise me." The devil's red-tinted eyes turned to the darkest shade of black. Kaiden flashed his dark soul too as a sign of respect.

"Yes Lord, you can put all of your faith in-"

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