Chapter 32

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Kaiden and Jeronah punched the same demon at the same time, crushing both cheeks. The guy fell back onto the sand, just as Lucifer scowled, furious that Milokan had stalled him over something as simple as sand. The angel knew he couldn't fight well, so he had to be smart and think outside the box.

"It's time to leave." Jeronah tugged on his son's shoulder, but Kaiden shrugged him away. He didn't like his overconfidence, not right now.

"Follow me," the teen muttered and vanished. He didn't care if Jeronah followed, he worried more about Meloras and Milokan. He was surprised when he realised he was panicked more about the young angel. Milokan was flying all over the UK and wondering whether to go to Europe in hopes of leading Lucifer there. Kaiden didn't want him to attract unwanted attention, but Milokan had ways of clumsily messing things up.

* * * * *

The first time Meloras landed, she fell into an odd little structure made of waterproof material and poles. It looked like things humans stayed in when they want to spend time in the outdoors. Judging by the surprised yells from inside the tent, she had disturbed people. Without giving them an explanation, she vanished, leaving them to scratch their heads in confusion.

The next place she landed was almost ten miles away. She stood very still and listened for nearly fifteen minutes, observing her surroundings. All she could detect was the trickling of the stream and the rustling of the nearby nature. She saw no humans, and after waiting for a further five minutes, Kaiden and Jeronah appeared, running alongside the river. They landed half a mile away and decided to continue on foot to avoid missing Meloras. Jeronah struggled to keep up with Kaiden; he was fast.

"Kaiden!" Meloras ran up to him, almost tripping over a fallen tree and cupped his face with her hands. "Are you alright?" Her son gripper her forearms, equally as concerned.

"Yes, are you?"

She nodded before moving onto Jeronah and cupped his cheeks too.

"I am okay my love," he soothed with a hearty smile. "We are safe for... Where is Milokan?" Kaiden watched how he glanced around with panic, looking for the short angel.

"He's making rifts in the air for Lucifer to follow."

"Will he lead one here?"

"I think so. He injured his wing."

"Where is he now?"

"Not sure," Kaiden shrugged and looked away, hiding his concern. He wasn't ready to crack his pride by looking like he cared, knowing fine well that as soon as the angel returned, the demon would be all over him, checking for more injuries. He didn't know where he flew to and his chest throbbed. Milokan must be in agony if Kaiden felt the ache of their bond.

He turned and walked over to the stream and dipped his fingers into the water. It was icy cold, but fresh and relaxing. He winced and released a slow breath when the blood washed away from his knuckles. Kaiden could hear Jeronah talking and said, "He is a great fighter, very strong." Then his mother replied in a hushed tone, "Yes, but to get to that stage was not his choice. Lucifer would make him train until he fainted-"

Kaiden zoned out by closing his eyes. He managed to release his needs to kill by getting rid of the demons, so at least those impulses were hiding. His mind was buzzing and racing around with so much to think about. His father was here, but Lucifer is his brother, meaning he is related to the dirty hell-hound. It didn't bother him anymore about his mother having an angel soulmate. Honestly, he was never bothered by who Jeronah was because it would make him a massive hypocrite. It was the father label that attached to him, not his wings.

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