Chapter 43

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Apologies for the slow update, writer's block struck me hard this week :')

- Sian

Kaiden laid his soulmate on the bed after roaring for everyone to get out. The room, now empty, was calm except for the chaos inside Kaiden's head. He tried to settle the bedlam and tapped Milokan's cheek.

"Hey, Milo?" The angel was out cold and not waking up until his body rested. Yesterday was stressful for them both as Kaiden tucked his soulmate under the covers and climbed under too. His eyelids were suddenly heavy, or maybe he hadn't noticed the pressure creeping up on him. Now, he was aware of his aching body, still refusing to let Panuleon heal him. His back hurt too, in between his shoulder blades.

The demon laid on his side and watched the angel's chest rise and fall. It was rare that they would rest together, and Kaiden wasn't sure if he could trust anyone in the mansion or the new world. It was far too soon for him to try and get along with others.

Kaiden shuffled closer to Milokan and studied his face. Savouring his features was something he didn't get to do in the other world. His mum always made a fuss when he tried. His eyes traced his soft skin. From his pink lips to his hairline, everything was perfect in Kaiden's opinion. The angel had a cute button nose and rosy cheeks, the colour never fully vanished. He had the face of a child but hardened features, showing his true age of eighteen. Kaiden brushed his fingertips over his eyelids, inspecting long and dark eyelashes.

The demon moved his face close, so his nose touched his soulmates cheek. His eyes were too tired to keep open, and he lost his courage to stay awake.

* * * * *

"Do you think he is okay?" Zachariah questioned while his soulmate Jenny rubbed deep circles into his back. "It has been a while." After being kicked out of the boys' room, they moved to Panuleon and Corey's room, which was opposite.

"I will check." Panuleon stood up and walked out of the room with his soulmate following closely behind, not daring to feel a pull in his chest from their five-meter limit. Panuleon looked left and right before knocking on the wooden door.

When they received no reply after the second knock, Corey asked, "Are they in there?"

"Yes," Panuleon nodded, "I can sense the demon."

"Should we go in?"

"I don't know."

Corey stared at the door handle, wondering how much Kaiden would freak out if they entered. He decided to open it, freezing when it creaked. Panuleon continued to push it open after losing to his curiosity. The room was bright, quiet, and calm. Corey smiled when he could see Kaiden holding Milokan in his arms, sleeping side by side.

"They must have needed rest, let's leave them to sleep a little longer."

Corey nodded and reached up to shut the door, but caught amber eyes glaring at him. He froze, realising Kaiden wasn't sleeping.

"Sorry, we were a little concerned and just-"

"Get out," Kaiden grumbled with a deepening frown.

Panuleon shut the door and shook his head.

"I have to admit," he whispered as they crossed the hall to their own bedroom, "Milokan is a remarkable angel for seeing past Kaiden's demon traits."

Kaiden rubbed his eyes and laid his head back down next to the angel. While they had rested together, somehow, Milokan had curled up and wrapped around Kaiden's arms with his head buried deep into his chest. Milokan looked small, relaxed, and calm.

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