Chapter 47

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"It looks so..." Milokan placed his fingers to his lips, searching for the correct word, "soft."

"Do you want to go outside?" Kaiden asked, once again amused by his lack of knowledge.

"Yes!" Milokan almost jumped with enthusiasm.

Everyone turned and made their way towards the dining room. Milokan and Kaiden followed. The demon didn't want to use his wings yet, so he walked, trying to look irritated by the angel's excited behaviour.

The snow had already started to form an icy layer on the ground when the back door opened, and the humans shivered from the cold.

Milokan was too excited to be cautious, and when he stepped outside, he slipped, immediately falling onto his back.

Kaiden waited a moment, making sure he wasn't hurt before covering his mouth and trying with all his might to stifle a laugh.

"Ow," Milokan groaned as the demon leant down and placed his hands under his armpits, pulling him to his feet. Kaiden's face was blank, but his eyes shone brightly with enjoyment. "It is icy."

"I think you've made that clear already."

Milokan slipped again, forcing the demon to wrap an arm around his waist and slowly pull him away. The snow crunched under their feet as Jed picked up grit from a yellow box next to the wall, and sprinkled it on the floor before anyone else could fall.

"What is snow?" Milokan asked and watched the snowflakes float past his face.

"Ice," Kaiden sighed, watching how Oliver and Corey wrapped their arms around themselves, trying not to shiver.

"What makes it that way?"

Kaiden shrugged and guest, "Because it's cold and I don't know, the air has moisture in it which are ice crystals, or something."

Milokan listened with great interest.

"The world is amazing." He held out his hand. The snowflakes rested on his palm and melted instantly. "How cold is it now?"

"Only one degree," Panuleon smiled after looking up the weather on Corey's phone.

"And that is cold for humans?"

"Oh yeah," Oliver chuckled and turned to Vinny, "I'm going back inside."

"Be careful-" the vampire couldn't say it fast enough before his soulmate slipped and fell on the ice.

"Jed, could you put more grit down?" Oliver asked, laying on his back as snowflakes landed on his face.

"Yes. Are you okay?" Jed helped him up because Vinny and Rayvon were in fits of laughter.

"Yeah," Oliver grinned and turned, "Oi, you two better shut up, or karma will get you."

Vinny rolled his eyes and stepped gracefully over the ice without a problem.

"Let it try."

Oliver followed him into the warm house. Luka and Rayvon thought about staying outdoors, wanting to know the angel and the demon a little better. Luka was shivering, but Panuleon took off his jumper and pulled it over his son's head. It drowned little Luka, but at least he would be warmer.

"So, this is the first time you've seen snow?" Rayvon asked the angel.

Milokan nodded.


"I haven't been on earth very long. I think it has been a week and a half, maybe."

"You lived in heaven?"

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