Convincing Brennon

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Lately Channing has been on the edge of her seat. She doesn't know how to talk to Brennon or if talking to Brennon is a good idea. She knows that Brennon was left in the dark about the whole werewolf thing. Yes I feel bad, but really I don't want him to get hurt. Maybe not knowing is going to get him hurt.

"We should tell him," I tell Spencer and Kacy. We were all standing in the kitchen around the stove eating whatever we could find. Kacy nearly choked on the popcorn she had just made.

"Are you kidding me Tori?"

I looked at her letting nothing in my eyes show that I was joking around.

"She's right Kacy. Brennon deserves to know what's going on," Spencer justifies. "Plus, now he has a mate, who obviously loves him."

We all looked over at Channing in the next room. She sat on the window seat of the living room looking out at Brennon. She is shy. I've learned that much about her. She is also completely harmless. I'm sure she would cry if she even stepped on a bug. Ok, well maybe not, but you get my point.

"Fine." Kacy gave in. "Why does she have to be so nice?" She was still staring at Channing.

I smirked, "I don't know, but at least I know that there is someone out there for Brennon."

So we all put down our food and walked over to where Channing sat, "Channing, we were thinking that it is time to tell Brennon about werewolves." I tell her.

She looked up at me with somewhat hopeful eyes, "Are you serious?"

We nodded our heads and looked out the window. Brennon was playing soccer with a couple of kids and pretending to be terrible at it for their benefit. I tapped on the window and Brennon looked over. I motioned for him to come inside and he waved good bye to the kids and jogged to the front door.

"Channing, do you want to be the one to tell him or should we?" I asked her.

"You guys should do it. He knows the three of you better." She looked hesitant.

Brennon came inside and walked into the living room. He looked at us and creased his eyebrows, "Why do you guys look like someone died?... Oh no, did some one die!"

I put up my hands to stop him, "No Brennon, no one died. Just sit down I need to tell you something."

Brennon took a seat on one of the chair across from the couch and we sat around him. Channing stayed by the window staring over at Brennon with longing eyes.

"Brennon don't freak out," Spencer warned.

"Ok... I won't" Brennon said cautiously. Only a few seconds had past when Kacy looked like she was about to burst.

"Werewolves.are.real." Kacy spit out quickly. Spencer and I glared at her. "What? I'm not good under pressure!" Kacy reasoned.

"What...?" Brennon was now leaning forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his thighs and looking at us like we are crazy.

I sighed, "She's right."

Brennon raised both eyebrows, "Tori, I know I'm your little brother, but come on I'm not five anymore. I don't believe everything."

"Brennon I'm not kidding."

Brennon sat back in his chair seeming at ease as he smirked, "Ok. Then prove it."

I looked around at Kacy and Spencer for help. I had no clue how to prove such a thing as this without sounding completely crazy. 

"I'll prove it." Channing said as she got up form by the window and walked in the center of all of us. 

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